

2018-03-25 CGTNOfficial





Economic forums today may not be like The School of Athens, where ancient philosophers gathered 500 years ago to exchange ideas that revolutionized human history, but participants still share common concerns, shape mindsets and push for collective action. 


Business leaders and politicians show up with a dash of celebrity and different agendas to advance. But more often than not, they are there for the same reasons — they want to seek out public support and interest for their decisions. They drop hints and explore ideas, to test reactions or lay the groundwork for the future. 


Take the Boao Forum for Asia as an example. After the 2008 financial crisis shook up the world with chaos and uncertainty, global influencers gathered in Boao to discuss the Asian response, and in 2010 the concept of the E11 was introduced - tracking the progress of the world’s 11 major emerging economies.


At the 2016 Boao forum, Chinese e-commerce tycoon Jack Ma first advocated his idea of establishing a cross-border trade platform. The proposal of the Electronic World Trade Platform, or eWTP, has drawn global attention. In 2017, the first e-hub was established in Malaysia.


Economists, on the other hand, fill gaps between decision-makers and the public, between officials and entrepreneurs. By introducing fresh perspectives, scholars can broaden horizons for policymakers.


What’s more, the discussions often expand beyond economic affairs. Topics at Davos and the upcoming Boao forum range from the fourth industrial revolution to regional security, from healthcare resources to education and gender equality. All are issues that directly affect the general public.


Of course, a single forum can’t solve increasingly complex global economic challenges – or flick a switch to make things a little better for us. 

But by bringing influencers from different groups together to talk face-to-face, successful forums encourage communication and improved decision-making. And in the long-run, that can help make things better for everyone.

From April 8 to 11, global powerbrokers will arrive in Hainan for this year’s Boao Forum for Asia to talk about healthcare, education and how technology will revolutionize human living. Stay tuned to CGTN to learn more about the annual conference.

Planning and anchoring: Li Jingjing

Writing and editing: Wang Quan, John Goodrich

Video editing: Zhang Wanbao, Zhao Yuxiang

Filming: Qi Jianqiang, Huang Yichang

Visual effects: Ran Boqiang, Gao Hongmei

Boao 2018

近期,CGTN陆续推出【南中国故事】等一系列博鳌亚洲论坛的报道。我们将带您探寻改革开放40年海南的发展变化,展示海南建省30年来的重要历史变迁; 我们将立足亚洲,放眼世界,发现中国和其他亚洲国家在全球发展中所起到的关键作用。                 


