
百年秘密:泰坦尼克号上的中国幸存者 | Why did Titanic's Chinese survivors vanish?

2018-04-23 CGTN CGTNOfficial


英国导演罗飞(Arthur Jones)用两年拍摄了一部名为《六人》(The Six)的纪录片,揭示了为何这6个人的故事会被时间湮没。


Have you ever heard of the six Chinese survivors onboard the Titanic? An upcoming documentary will reveal who they are and why they are seldom known.

The Six, a film due to greet Chinese audiences by the end of 2018, was shot by a group of English producers.


Who were they?




The six were among eight Chinese boiler firemen aboard the majestic ocean liner, which struck an iceberg and slowly sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 14, 1912.

All eight Chinese workers were professional mariners, who were sent by their company in the UK to work in North America. They were forced to take the Titanic, as it was the only ship able to set sail during the UK coal strike.

According to US Immigration records, Lee Bing, Chang Chip, Choong Foo, Ling Hee, Ali Lam, Len Lam, Fang Lang and Lee Ling travelled together on the same ticket, despite their names varying on a number of manifests.

Arthur Jones, the director of The Six, found that they probably came from Taishan City of Guangdong Province, and their ages ranged from 24 to 37.


Why did they get ignored?




As hundreds of passengers flooded into lifeboats, the eight Chinese workers had to wait along with others from the third class till the end, and were not allowed to board the lifeboats.

Five of them found a broken craft to save themselves, while Fang Lang, who chose to cling to a piece of wood was discovered by one of the lifeboats.



About 1,500 people died while only 705 survived the tragedy.

Statistics show that the six Chinese survivors were part of the largest group of survivors who didn’t come from Europe or the US. 

The survival rate surprised the western media, as some of the news reports showed an image of the Chinese survivors as unruly and cunning. One of them claimed that “Chinese Save Men First, not Women.”




As the Chinese Exclusion Act took effect in 1882, the Chinese survivors were barred from entering the US, the New York Times reported. 

Most of the Titanic survivors went to New York to receive medical assistance; however the Chinese survivors were taken to Ellis Island and were sent to Cuba. Since then, they have vanished from history.


How about their descendants?







Jones, a Shanghai-based director, and his team have been trying to track down the truth.

Part of the process required them to visit descendants of the Chinese passengers in China, the US, Canada and the UK. 

Jones found Fang Lang’s son in Wisconsin, a state in the US. The man said he had no knowledge about his long lost ancestors' historical journey.

Most of the families claimed they have been discriminated against. “We are not into sharing family secrets,” one of them said.

The ill-fated maiden voyage has been told as a legend in massive documentaries, books and museums, following James Cameron’s blockbuster film in 1997.

However, Jones met dead ends while exploring facts about the Chinese survivors during the past two years.

Jones and his team plan to visit a remote village in Taishan City in May. As the investigation continues, the story of the six Chinese survivors and their descendants is far from over.

“One of the things we are trying to do is to give them their place in history,” said Jones.

