
Dead & Gone

CGTN 2021-02-14





Italian fashion brand Dolce&Gabbana (D&G) was accused of racial discrimination against Chinese people and culture as it released three trailers on social media to its show held in Shanghai on Wednesday night.

The trailer series, titled “Eating with Chopsticks” consists of three episodes and is dubbed in Chinese with a young Asian-looking lady wearing D&G jewels and showing how to use a traditional wooden pair of chopsticks to eat western foods. 

In the trailers, the lady demonstrates how to use chopsticks to eat margherita pizza, Sicilian cannoli and Italian spaghetti, but the voiceovers ignited people's anger as the chopsticks are described as the little stick-shaped cutlery and pliers while the margherita pizza was described with the word “great” in one episode.

The complaints about the content in the trailers have been continuously coming out in the comments sections of D&G posts, not only limited in the analogies since the series started being posted on Sunday. Some netizens also accused D&G of suggesting that Chinese people don't know how to eat western foods. 

然而,事情并没有就此打住,Dolce&Gabbana接下来的一连串举动让网友们“目瞪口呆”,完美诠释了不知道什么叫“适可而止”。而一手把事件舆论推向风口浪尖的,正是Dolce&Gabbana的联合创始人、设计师Stefano Gabbana。

一位亚裔模特曝光了自己与Stefano Gabbana的完整对话,在这名网友指责其发布的广告片涉嫌种族歧视后,设计师恼羞成怒,在对话中大肆辱骂中国,并宣称自己根本不怕被曝光,永远都不会删除视频。除此之外,Dolce & Gabbana官方ins账号也公然与网友对呛,发布辱华言论。



Screenshots filled with insulting comments on Chinese people by Dolce&Gabbana designer Stefano Gabbana were also seen spreading on social media, but Gabbana has denied the remarks from his account and said his account was hacked.

Following Stefano's statement, Dolce&Gabbana also published a statement on Instagram and China's Weibo hours ahead of the show, clarifying that both their accounts were hacked and their legal officers were urgently investigating. Along with the statement, Dolce&Gabbana emphasized its respect for China and the people of China through the three episodes that still remain on its social media accounts.





显然,Dolce & Gabbana这个解释并不能平息众怒,原本受邀参加今晚DG上海秀的章子怡、陈坤、黄晓明、李冰冰、王俊凯、火箭少女、迪丽热巴等众多中国明星纷纷加入抵制的阵营,拒绝出席活动,就连原本参加此次走秀的中国模特们也公开宣布罢演,并在社交媒体发起“not me”行动,据了解,原定参与此次活动的中国模特共计300多人。网友们也表示国家是底线,将坚决抵制这个品牌。


Chinese celebrities, like Zhang Ziyi, Li Bingbing and Huang Xiaoming, have also shown their antipathy towards the content presented in the three video clips, and confirmed that they would not be attending the show.

“The motherland is above everything. We are proud and confident of Chinese culture and spirit. Undoubtedly, you [China] are the best,” singer and actor Kerry Wang Junkai said on his Weibo post and stated that he would not be present at the show.


遭遇当晚出席艺人和参秀模特的集体抵制,Dolce&Gabbana 2018上海秀已正式取消!

According to Dolce&Gabbana's Weibo account, the show, scheduled at 8:00 p.m., has been canceled, but it did not give any explanation to the cancellation.





