

CGTN CGTN 2020-01-06






2018年10月29日清晨,印尼狮航一架波音737 MAX 8飞机从雅加达起飞,竟成了噩梦的开始。飞机仅在13分钟后就和控制台失去联系,随后在印尼爪哇岛近海坠毁。机上189人全部遇难。

On the morning of October 29, 2018, an Indonesian Lion Air flight serviced by a Boeing 737 Max 8 plane with 189 people on aboard crashed shortly after taking off from Jakarta to Pangkal Pinang. All 181 passengers and eight crew members died.



A similar tragedy happened nearly five month later. 



Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 went down minutes after takeoff on March 10, 2019 from Addis Ababa, killing all 157 people on board, including 8 from China.


这是继狮航空难后,第二起波音737 MAX 8飞机发生事故。两场悲剧也让波音737 MAX 8机型的安全性在世界范围内受到质疑。


Two crashes within such a short time have brought global attention to aviation safety, and more specifically, Boeing's 737 Max 8 planes.


为确保中国民航飞行安全,中国民航局3月11日发出通知,要求国内运输航空公司于2019年3月11日18时前暂停波音737 MAX 8飞机的商业运行。随后,全球多国和监管机构陆续禁飞波音737 MAX 8全系列或部分机型。美国是最晚宣布禁飞的国家,于3月13日宣布禁飞。至此,所有有波音737 MAX 8型飞机执飞航班的国家和地区都已经停飞了这一机型。

China ordered to ground Boeing 737 Max 8 jets on March 11. Over 50 countries followed suit in four days, shaping a worldwide boycott.


目前世界上投入使用的只有两个系列的波音737飞机:波音737 Next Generation系列(简称737NG系列,意思是次世代),以及波音737 MAX系列。

There are currently two types of Boeing 737 aircrafts in use across the globe, which are actually quite different with distinctive technology. The Boeing 737 Next Generation (737NG) and its successor the Boeing 737 MAX planes are the two models.




两次失事的客机属于737 MAX 系列。这一系列包括737 MAX 7, MAX 8, MAX 9和MAX 10。

更确切的说,两次坠毁客机均是737 MAX系列中的737 MAX 8,也称波音737-8,它在2017年5月刚刚完成首次交付,距今还不到2年时间。



While the 737 MAX series incorporates Boeing's latest technology, it has also become a growing worry among the global airline industry with its 737 MAX 8, or 737-8 plane at the center of both crashes.


2011年,波音在宣布737 MAX的研发计划时称,737 MAX将会成为单通道飞机市场有史以来“最省油、运营成本最低”的全新机型

When Boeing unveiled its plans for 737 MAX in 2011, it said that the new aircraft would be "the most fuel efficient, most capable airplane with the lowest operating costs in the single-aisle market."

然而,最新一代的737 MAX系列飞机被安装了一个其它737家族的飞机都没有的系统,而这个系统也成为两起坠机事故的调查重心——它就是被称为“MCAS”(Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System)自动防失速系统

There is one thing that differentiates Boeing 737 MAX from previous 737s – the re-engined 737 MAX is equipped with a system known as the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, or MCAS. This system has now become a focus of investigators.

MCAS was introduced by Boeing on the 737 Max aircrafts because of the heavier, more fuel-efficient engines, which changed the aerodynamic qualities of the workhorse aircraft and can cause the plane's nose to pitch up in certain conditions during manual flight.

737 MAX飞机换装了直径更大更省油的先进发动机,但这一换装有一个致命缺陷,容易导致飞机在大迎角飞行失速为了解决这个缺陷,波音研发了“MCAS”这一自动防失速系统随时监测飞机迎角:如果迎角超过了安全界限,就会自动压低机头进入可能长达10秒之久的俯冲增速状态。

Angle of attack sensors on the aircraft tells the MCAS to automatically point the nose of the plane downward if it is at risk of going into a stall.



However, problems could arise if the MCAS system gets wrong sensor readings. In that case, the system would automatically put the plane in a steep dive that could last as long as 10 seconds, overriding the pilots' commands.

According to the flight data recorder, the pilots of Lion Air Flight 610 struggled to control the aircraft as the automated MCAS system repeatedly pushed the plane's nose down following takeoff.

The pilots of the Ethiopian Airlines plane reported similar difficulty before the aircraft plunged into the ground shortly after takeoff.

也许系统设计的缺陷难以预知,但令人不解的是,波音在737 MAX的介绍手册中没有公开这一机型新增了自动防失速系统这一重要信息,也没有对可能导致飞机俯冲的这一关键功能进行任何警告。


As to the pilot training regarding the new 737 MAX aircrafts, there was hardly any at all, according to a recent report by The New York Times. 

The Federal Aviation Administration determined that there were not enough differences between the new model and the prior iteration of 737 to require pilots to go through simulator training when Boeing first rolled out the 737 MAX 8. As a result, though astonishing, many pilots with 737 experience learned about the new model on an iPad.



Black box data recovered from an Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed last week show "clear similarities" with a recent crash in Indonesia of the same type of aircraft, Ethiopia's transport minister said on Sunday.


While declining to give details, Dagmawit Moges told journalists the parallels would be the "subject of further study during the investigation," with a preliminary report issued in 30 days.



Sources: The New York Times, CBS, CNN, 央视新闻

