美国国家航空航天局(NASA)于周五公布了最新的“太空旅行项目”—— 国际空间站对游客开放。
The U.S. space agency NASA announced Friday that it is opening the International Space Station (ISS) for private citizens, with a hefty price tag.
NASA says it will provide two privately funded trips to the station per year, each lasting up to 30 days, and the first mission could be as early as 2020.
实现一个真实“上天”的梦想,理所当然地需要付出一个“上天”的价格。NASA“空间站之旅”的预估费用大约是5,800万美元(约合人民币4亿元)/人次,其中包含35,000美元每晚的住宿费。旅客们将由波音与马斯克旗下的Space X负责运送——SpaceX将使用自己的Dragon宇宙飞船,而波音将打造名为Starliner的飞船。
Those private travelers will firstly pay an estimated 58 million U.S. dollars for a round-trip ticket for the 30-day trip. Then they have to spend about 35,000 dollars per night for accommodation, Jeff Dewit, NASA's chief financial officer, told a press conference at Nasdaq in New York City.
NASA will use a U.S. spacecraft developed under its Commercial Crew Program, including the rocket-and-capsule systems being developed by Boeing and Elon Musk's SpaceX.
NASA's ISS tour comes as the U.S. space agency plans to end its support of the ISS by 2024, the same year when two U.S. astronauts, including a woman, are slated to land on the south pole of the Moon.
As the main control cabin of China's space station, the core module named "Tianhe-1" holds habitable living quarters and working space for a crew of three astronauts, who will manage guidance, navigation, and control for the entire space station.
The module also contains a non-habitable service section and a docking hub.
中国载人航天工程办公室将与联合国外空司联合完成空间科学应用合作项目遴选工作,同时抓紧新一代载人运载火箭、新一代载人飞船等专项预研项目的实施工作 | |
天宫二号受控离轨 | |
空间站核心舱和执行发射任务的长征五号B运载火箭,进行发射场合练和首飞任务准备工作 |
中国空间站核心舱计划发射 | |
空间站全站预计建成并投入运营 | |
Science facilities on China's planned Tiangong space station could support hundreds of space research projects after it's completed in 2022.
Sixteen experiment racks will be installed in the core module and two lab capsules of the space station, and an extravehicular experiment platform will be built.
Each rack is regarded as a lab that can support various space experiments, and astronauts can upgrade and replace the facilities.
In addition, a capsule holding a large optical telescope will fly in the same orbit as the station, according to the Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization (CSU) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The facilities will support a large number of research projects in fields such as astronomy, space life science, biotechnology, microgravity basic physics and space materials science.