Editor's note: James C. Hsiung is a professor of Politics at New York University. In 1997, he was in Hong Kong as a visiting professor. He shared with CGTN his view on the current situation in Hong Kong. The views expressed in the video are his, and not necessarily those of CGTN.编者注:James C. Hsiung是纽约大学政治系的教授。1997年,他在香港担任客座教授。他在接受CGTN采访时,表达了自己对香港问题的见解。视频中的观点为其本人观点,不代表CGTN观点。
CGTN: Some are saying the root cause of the situation is that some Hong Kong people do not identify as Chinese. Why is that?有人认为香港游行事件的根源是一些香港人对内地没有认同感。为什么会这样?
Xiong: It was because the education under the British. In 1997, I was in Hong Kong as a visiting professor. Therefore, I looked into the history of Hong Kong governed by the British. 根源在于英国殖民时期的教育。1997年,我在香港当客座教授,我借此机会研究了香港历史,特别是英国殖民统治下的历史。
And I found that during the British rule or colonial governance, they taught in the schools - high schools and universities that China was a foreign country, and that Hong Kong did not belong to China, and also China was, in geography, for example, classified as a foreign country and not related to Hong Kong. 我发现在英国殖民统治时期,他们在学校,高中,大学里,教育学生中国是外国,香港不属于中国。例如,中国在地理上被划分为外国,与香港无关。
So for that reason, many of the Hong Kong people, even till this day, don't really think they belong to China although that doesn't apply to everybody. Now, more and more people identify themselves with China. But the influence of the British education still lingers on.因此,出于这个原因,一些香港同胞直到今天也不认为香港属于中国 ,尽管这并不代表所有香港人的观点。如今,越来越多的香港人有中国人的身份认同,但是英国统治时期教育的影响仍然挥之不去。
CGTN: Has democracy in Hong Kong been eroded since its return to China?自香港回归祖国后,其民主程度是否下降?
Xiong: Somehow they (protesters) felt they had more democracy under the British, but I think that's wrong. You know, during the current demonstration, there was one person who held up the flag of the British empire. And I laughed at the picture. I said how much they know? Because there was no freedom of demonstration under the British. And there is obviously the freedom of demonstration today. And still you long for the past British rule and that's very funny. 不知何故他们(示威者)感到,在英国统治下,香港人享有更多的民主,但是我认为这是谬论。你知道,在最近的示威活动中,有一个人举起了一面国旗,竟然是英国国旗。看到照片,我就笑了,他们知道多少历史?因为英国统治下,香港并没有示威游行活动的自由,而很明显,如今香港人有示威游行自由,在这种情况下,部分人还推崇过去的英国统治,这真的很可笑。
CGTN: What do you think of the current "One Country, Two Systems?"您对当前“一国两制”模式的看法是什么?
Xiong: You see, "One Country, Two Systems" does not mean two things – (it doesn't mean) One Country, number one; Two Systems, number two. It means two systems under one country. So a lot of people either don't know this or pretend not to know this. 其实 “一国两制”并不是指两个独立的概念。首先,(它并不是单纯指)一个国家;其次,(也不单纯指)两种制度。它指的是在一个国家的前提下存在两种制度。
So "One Country, Two Systems" becomes two systems and (they say) we don't need one country. That's very, very sad, very tragic and is terribly wrong. So I think increasingly Hong Kong people are getting to know, at least after the current protest, on TV, I saw many people are saying that "One Country, Two Systems," emphasizing one country, and I hope this trend will continue. 所以很多人要么是无知,要么就是装作不知道,这导致“一国两制”,仅仅被解读为两种制度,(一些香港人说)我们不需要“一个国家”这个前提。这非常令人痛心,令人扼腕叹息,而且大错特错。我认为越来越多的香港人,也开始理解。至少在这次示威活动之后,在电视上,我看到许多人在说 “一国两制”必须强调“一个国家”。我希望这种趋势会延续下去。