Tangshou Fist is a local style of Fist deriving from Tianmen, Central China's Hubei Province. It has been popular around Jianghan Plain for several centuries.
湖北省被誉为千湖之省,天门“沉湖”地区,古时因战乱饥荒,众多外来移民移居于此。沉湖地处偏僻,当地人为了抵御外敌、看家护院、强身健体,积累了一些实用的散手格斗招法流传下来,形成了现在的唐手拳。Hubei Province used to be the place of "a thousand lakes." There's a district in Tianmen called "Chenhu," where many immigrants who escaped from famine lived. It was a remote place. To protect themselves from potential enemies and keep fit in harsh environment, they extracted some essential forms of practical Fist skills and passed them down, which eventually became today's Tangshou Fist. 湖北省湖景 Lake View in Hubei Province
/CGTN Photo
由于天门离武当山不远,受道教影响深远。唐手拳以修身炼体为主,讲求后发制人,属于道派武功。As Tianmen is not far from Wudang Mountain, the place has long been influenced by Taoism. Tangshou Fist mainly focuses on self-improvement, and can be categorized in the realm of Taoist Kung-Fu.
彭碧波和徒弟练习唐手拳 Peng Bibo and his pupils practicing Tangshou Fist / CGTN Photo
唐手拳以掌法为主,擒拿见长。比起其他流派拳种,还有自己的特色动作和技法,尤其是“滚肩”。Tangshou Fist is famous for powerful palm strikes and grappling. Compared to other martial art styles, Tangshou Fist has some unique techniques, especially the one called "rolling".
“滚肩,是指双臂撩滚,同时把整个身体压成一团,然后通过腰腹力放出去,就像弹簧一样,形成一个弹抖力。”唐手拳第十五代传人彭碧波说。"When rolling, you hold and squeeze your body down while stretching out your arms to feel the attack of the enemy. Then strengthen your core power to release the force like a spring. It's an elastic and shaking force." says Peng Bibo, the 15th inheritor of Tangshou Fist.
彭碧波从小热爱习武,但遭到了父辈的反对,认为他应该去考大学。但他痴迷武术,于是经过一个猎人的介绍,他到汉川汈汊湖一带去教拳。当地人看见这位十八九岁的小伙子,不同意找他当教练。结果,彭碧波通过“比武上教”的方式,以一对三,和他们试了试手,很快让他们心服口服。Peng loved martial arts since a young age, but his father would rather him go to college. Unable to give up martial arts, Peng accepted the invitation of a hunter to teach the art in the Diaocha Lake area in Hanchuan, Hubei Province. The locals doubted him because he was only 18. He held a traditional Wushu contest with them, and won the game facing three opponents at one time, proving himself as a trustworthy master.
彭碧波获得的武术奖牌 Peng Bibo's medals
/ CGTN Photo
从2010年3月起,彭碧波开始参加国家武管中心举办的国家级、国际级武术大赛,在专业场合展示推广唐手拳。8年8个月的时间,他获得了103块金牌,是武林界第一位获得百枚金牌的“拳王”。Starting from March 2010, Tang joined national and international contests hosted by National Sports General Administration of Sports Management Center, which allowed him to show and promote Tangshou Fist on professional occasions. In 8 years and 8 months, he won 103 gold medals, which is like a gold belt in the field of martial arts.
彭碧波还将唐手拳传给自己的独生女,身体力行将这份非物质文化遗产传承下去。Peng also taught Tangshou Fist to his only daughter since she was little, acting as a model to pass on the art.
彭碧波教授女儿唐手拳 Peng Bibo teaching his daughter Tangshou Fist / CGTN Photo
唐手拳2013年被列入湖北省级非物质文化遗产保护名录,现在它还走进了学校课堂,孩子们也非常喜爱唐手拳,这让彭碧波感受到了唐手拳更加光明的未来。In 2013, Tangshou Fist was listed as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Hubei Province. Now the art is introduced to schools and children are happy to practice it. Peng feels certain that Tangshou Fist now has a future.