1Nationwide manhunt for "Aunt Mei"
事后,被拐儿童父亲申军良回应称,该彩色画像系他请人用电脑合成,希望有助破案。The Chinese Ministry of Public Security on Monday refuted rumors that a colored sketch, that went viral on social media recently, is of the country's most-wanted child trafficker.
The colored sketch is not part of the "official" information released by the police, the ministry said on its official Weibo account, adding they cannot yet verify the existence of the suspect, known as "Aunt Mei," nor was there any evidence to show what the suspect looks like. 到目前为止,“梅姨”还是一个只存在于人们口中的人。
| 广州市增城区发生一起“一岁男孩申聪被拐案”,此后十几年家人寻子未果。 |
| 5名涉“申聪被拐案”犯罪嫌疑人被警方抓获。对于申聪的下落,被告人张维平供述称,他把申聪卖给了一名叫“梅姨”的女子。 |
| 2017年6月,广州增城警方发布了一则征集线索的公告称,“梅姨”真实姓名不详,现约65岁,身高1.5米,讲粤语,会客家话,曾长期在增城、韶关新丰等地区活动,涉嫌多起拐卖案件。警方在公告中还贴出了一张“梅姨”的模拟画像,这也是唯一一张由官方公布的“梅姨”画像。 |
The woman in her 60s brokered the sale of nine children in south China's Guangdong Province between 2003 and 2006, making her one of the country's most notorious child traffickers. Images of her have regularly appeared on the internet over the past few years. However, there's only one official sketch released by Guangdong police that was used to call on the public to "remember this face" and report sightings.
Sixteen years have passed since her first offense was reported, but a nationwide hunt for "Aunt Mei" continues even today. 此时此刻,仍有不少被拐儿童尚未被找回,仍有人贩子将罪恶的魔爪伸向更多的受害者,那个被全民通缉的“梅姨”仍然逍遥法外。
今天是联合国国际儿童日——距1990年第一个国际儿童日,已经过去整整30年。Families holding their children's portrait, against PKK's child abduction in Diyarbakir, Turkey. /VCG Photo
这些被贩卖的儿童,一个个被“明码标价”,或成为富人家的奴隶,或沦为性剥削的对象。Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Universal Children's Day, a day that not only celebrates children, but also aims to bring awareness about child trafficking and other forms of child abuse. A staggering 1.2 million children are trafficked each year, according to the International Labour Organization.2
“When they awoke, their child had gone.”
No CCTV footage, no witnesses. Children just vanish into thin air each year from India's vast railway network.
The precise number of children abducted from these stations is unknown. In Kolkata’s Sealdah railway station alone, more than a thousand were among the few lucky ones to be rescued, according to police documents.还有许多住在火车站的流浪儿童,直到被拐卖的那一刻,才知道自己面前站着的是人贩子。
"Brothers Home": Children exported for adoption
Ten days ago, the AP published an article about a facility named "Brothers Home" in South Korea that kidnapped, abused, enslaved and exported children overseas for private adoption, in addition to its previous coverage of abuse and government cover-up related to the facility.
在此前的报道中,韩国这间名为“兄弟之家”的福利机构被揭露曾打着“收容无家可归者”的旗号,拿着政府的资金,以各种手段获取人口,施行残忍虐杀及强制劳动。"Brothers Home" in South Korea. /AP Photo
美联社此次获取的证据表明,在1979到1986年间,有超过70名儿童被“兄弟之家”卖到海外被人收养。Most related documents have either been lost or destroyed or withheld, behind which there might be a far greater number of victims.
The case was allegedly covered up by then government officials, while the current government also refuses to reopen the case.Choi Seung-woo, a victim of Brothers Home, sits in a tent near the National Assembly in Seoul, South Korea. /AP Photo
Nigeria: Children as suicide bombers
Still of the Oscar-winning film “The Hurt Locker” directed by Kathryn Bigelow
Children rescued from Boko Haram in Yola, Nigeria, May 3, 2015. /VCG Photo
Earlier this year, on June 17, an explosion killed 30 people and injured 40 others at a football center in Konduga, Nigeria. It was later found out that the human bombers carrying the explosives are three children - two girls and one boy.
"It is unacceptable that children should be used in this way," read a UNICEF statement following the tragic accident.
没有那么多,但也在发生。而专门用于寻找被绑架儿童的AMBER Alert的存在,最大限度地保证了找回孩子的可能性。
Billboard showing the effects of sex slavery in the United States. /Getty Images Photo
According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in the U.S., there were more than 1,600 attempted abductions reported in 2018.
With more developed support system, especially AMBER alert, a service for recovering abducted children, there are surely fewer cases of child abduction in the U.S. than the other parts of the world mentioned above. According to official data from the Office of Justice Programs, as of April 2019, a total of 957 children had been successfully rescued through the AMBER Alert system.
Full text: https://www.unicef.org/child-rights-convention/open-letter-to-worlds-children
UNICEF executive director Henrietta H. Fore issued an "open letter to the world's children," addressing eight reasons on why she is worried for children's future, and simultaneously why she thinks there is hope.
1. You need clean water, clean air and a safe climate
2. One in four of you are likely to live, and learn, in conflict and disaster zones
3. We must make it OK to talk about mental health
4. Over 30 million of you have migrated from your place of birth
5. Thousands of you will officially never exist, unless we act
6. You need twenty-first century skills for a twenty-first century economy
7. Your digital footprint must be protected
8. You might be the least trusting generation of citizens ever
所以,当你读到这篇文章的时候,也可以教你身边的小朋友,去查一查这篇文章里提到的事情是否真实,又有怎样庞大的背景可以延伸。 An awareness campaign program initiated by Delhi Police for those children who were missing and kidnapped but later been reunited, at DCP Complex, on February 21, 2019 in New Delhi, India. /VCG Photo
(Source:新华网、新京报、AP、The Guardian等)