

CGTN CGTN 2019-12-10

In an interview with CGTN’s Liu Xin, Professor Lau Siu-kai of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, an expert on the Chinese special administrative region’s affairs, warned that the ulterior motive behind the U.S.’ Hong Kong act is to pitch Hong Kong against the mainland, thwarting China's rise.

The interview took place on Friday in Hong Kong. Here are the key takeaways:


By passing the act, U.S. lawmakers are in fact binding the government's hands in its China policy, which is very unwise because handling foreign policy often requires flexibility.



Scoring points with voters in the forthcoming presidential election is one of the major reasons that the act was passed and signed into law. By fanning the turmoil in HK with the law, U.S. politicians hostile toward China can use HK as a pawn to thwart China’s rise.
If Washington plans to turn Hong Kong into a potential national security loophole for Beijing, the Chinese central government will have to take precautions to counter foreign influences so as to protect HK's stability. In fact, the act will further suck out the air from the city’s political and financial vitality.

What is the U.S.’ Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act?

S. 1838, the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019," and S. 2710 were both signed into law on Wednesday by U.S. President Donald Trump. 

S. 1838 specifies U.S. policy toward Hong Kong, directs assessment of the political developments in Hong Kong and other purposes, while S. 2710 prohibits U.S. exports of specified police equipment to Hong Kong, the White House statement said.

In a separate statement also issued on Wednesday, Trump said he hoped the "leaders and representatives of China and Hong Kong will be able to amicably settle their differences."

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the two bills last Wednesday after they were unanimously passed by the Senate a day before.

