1. 美国通过香港人权与民主法案,实际上是迫使美国政府强行插手香港事务,以及干涉中国内政,这是不明智的,会压缩美国政府原有的外交政策空间。 By passing the act, U.S. lawmakers are in fact binding the government's hands in its China policy, which is very unwise because handling foreign policy often requires flexibility.
有几点原因。首先是美国政客竞相表明其反中立场,尤其是为了能在即将到来的选举中获得选票。另一个原因是美国政客想要鼓励或者是扶持香港的示威者,尤其是那些通过暴力给香港制造混乱的人,以便使香港成为对抗中国的棋子。从长远上看,削弱香港并利用香港,使其成为能遏制中国崛起的一个因素。 Scoring points with voters in the forthcoming presidential election is one of the major reasons that the act was passed and signed into law. By fanning the turmoil in HK with the law, U.S. politicians hostile toward China can use HK as a pawn to thwart China’s rise.
3. 我想说的是,如果美国进一步介入香港事务,北京也就必须更多地参与到香港事务当中,以对抗外国势力对香港的影响,从而保护香港的稳定,防止外国势力控制香港,然后采取必要的法律措施和机制,确保香港不会对国家安全造成威胁。 If Washington plans to turn Hong Kong into a potential national security loophole for Beijing, the Chinese central government will have to take precautions to counter foreign influences so as to protect HK's stability. In fact, the act will further suck out the air from the city’s political and financial vitality.
What is the U.S.’ Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act?