匈牙利奥运冠军辱华 中国主教练张晶愤然辞职





其原因,匈牙利国家短道速滑队队员Burjan Csaba在昨日入境海关公开辱华言论。对此我非常震惊和气愤。作为一名中国人,在国家滑冰协会的支持下,为了中匈两国友好关系,自从2012年执教于匈牙利短道速滑国家队整整八年,从匈牙利短道速滑奥运队伍一只毫无(零)世界奖牌的队伍,带领到至今多达150枚以上世界级比赛的世界奖牌和一枚历史性突破的奥运会金牌。给匈牙利国家短道速滑项目做出了卓越的成就。


这位发表辱华言论的匈牙利运动员叫Csaba Burjan ,是平昌冬奥会男子短道速滑5000m接力冠军成员。12月2日,他在自己的社交媒体上写了对中国带有侮辱性的词汇。

这件事情当晚在网络上不断发酵,有网友透露Csaba Burjan 是前往上海参加短道世界杯上海站时,因为过边检等待时间超过1个小时,在社交媒体发表不当言论。


Zhang Jing, the head coach of the Hungarian short track speed team has submitted her resignation after team member Csaba Burjan allegedly made insulting remarks about China at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

Zhang announced her sudden departure via her WeChat account, adding that she was "astounded and outraged" by the insulting comments made publicly by Burjan.

"I can't tolerate a Hungarian skater, especially a Hungarian Olympic champion making comments insulting China. And for the record, I resigned as the Hungarian short track speed team's head coach," Zhang fumed.

The 25-year-old was part of the Hungarian team that stunned China to win their first ever men's short track speed skating 5000m relay final at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. 

Burjan is expected to compete at the ISU Short Track speed skating World Cup in Shanghai, which will start on Friday. Reports said Csaba swore at a Shanghai airport after he had to queue up for an hour before clearing immigration. According to Shanghai-based news outlet The Paper, Burjan went on an "inappropriate" rant against China on social media. 

Burjan has paid the price for his outburst as Zhang told The Paper that Burjan has been repatriated from Shanghai after the incident sparked a swift backlash. 

"He [Burjan] has been banned [from competing in the World Cup] and has withdrawn from the Hungary team." 





"As far as I know, Hungarian Skating Association president will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow to make a public explanation for this issue," Zhang added.

When asked whether it is possible for her to reverse the decision to resign, Zhang said: "There is no doubt that they [Hungary] won't let me leave, but my future will depend on their attitude on how to resolve the incident."

Zhang participated in the 1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympics on behalf of China. She became the Hungarian short track speed team head coach in 2012 and led the team to win over 150 medals in world-level events as well as a breakthrough gold medal in PyeongChang Olympics.


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