Christmas is originally a religious festival celebrated by Christians, but now many Chinese people accept and celebrate the occasion – as a time to enjoy Christmas ornaments, listen to carols and spend time with friends and special ones.
圣诞节对于中国年轻人来说,最重要的是它的娱乐属性。中国人过传统节日,是讲求一家团圆,是放假的节奏;而中国人过圣诞节,只是找个放松的借口。单身狗约朋友,有家眷的约男女朋友,相聚最热闹的商区,要的就是那种热闹非凡,人声鼎沸的过节气氛!A week before the Christmas Eve, the buzz online is at its peak. This year, one of the most searched keywords are "Christmas gifts for girlfriend." Unlike Western traditions of family reunion, a different pattern has emerged in China when it comes to celebrating Christmas. Instead of spending the festival with their families, young Chinese people see it as an opportunity to socialize and catch up with friends.
Christians in China account for about 1.8 percent of the total population, according to 2010 Report on Religion in China. But Christmas celebrations are not confined to just Christians in the country. Its popularity is inseparable from the festive atmosphere created by big shopping malls.
Therefore, some people think that Christmas in China is just commercial.
Christmas gifts and Christmas-related products become very marketable during the holiday season. The trend was reflected by the Alibaba Index, which indicated the search frequency of online buyers on Taobao, a Chinese online shopping website and world's biggest e-commerce platform.临近年末,很多人选择休假出去玩玩,犒劳自己辛苦的一年。
A travel trend report shows that "Christmas in Guangzhou" was the most searched destination in China, followed by Jinan and Qingdao in east China's Shandong Province, Beijing Municipality, and Changsha in central China's Hunan Province. It suggests that Christmas-related events are more contemporary and trendy in these cities.
The report was issued this month by Mafengwo, a Chinese travel website that allows users to share their travel experiences, along with Tencent. It analyzed tourist types and their travel plans during Christmas and New Year based on their online searches.
Tourists who plan to go abroad for Christmas are more likely to pick European and American attractions. Among the top 10 most popular overseas destinations, eight are located in Europe and the U.S., where people expect to experience authentic Christmas culture and atmosphere. "Las Vegas" was the most searched destination for Christmas.其实,圣诞节无非给了人们一个放飞自我的契机,不管是聚会喝酒,还是上网血购,亦或是拎包出游,都是为了度过一个美好的时光。