对于焦急等待快递的人来说,快递小哥的这句话无异于“天籁之声”。而为大家带来包裹的快递小哥也是人们日常生活中“熟悉的陌生人”。据国家邮政局公布的数据显示,2019年,我国快递业务量和业务收入分别完成630亿件和7450亿元,同比分别增长24%和23%。此外,2019年我国人均快递包裹数达45件。中国快递业务量连续6年稳居世界第一。据国家邮政局估计,2020年,中国快递业务量有望完成740亿件,业务收入有望达到8660亿元。快递业务量增长的同时,奔忙在大街小巷的快递员也越来越多。2019年,快递从业人员数量突破了320万。Chinese delivery firms handled a total of 63 billion parcels in 2019, up 24 percent from the previous year, while total business revenue grew 23 percent year on year to 745 billion yuan (around 106.86 billion U.S. dollars), according to the State Post Bureau(SPB). Express delivery services have become an inseparable part of Chinese life, with the number of per capita express packages exceeding 45 last year. The SPB estimates that about 74 billion parcels will be delivered in 2020, raking in about 866 billion yuan business revenue. Meanwhile, China has remained the world's largest express delivery market for six consecutive years, with about 3.2 million employees working in the industry. 快递业的快速发展也对从业人员提出了新的要求,行业内岗位分工也越来越细。人力资源和社会保障部、国家邮政局近日联合颁布了《快递员国家职业技能标准》和《快件处理员国家职业技能标准》。按规定,快递员和快件处理员职业分别设置五级/初级工、四级/中级工、三级/高级工、二级/技师和一级/高级技师五个等级。《技能标准》还明确了各等级需掌握的工作内容、技能要求和相关知识。The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) and the SPB recently issued the national standard for employees in the delivery express industry so as to offer an official career path for the growing group. According to the standard, couriers and dispatchers can apply for five different professional ranks, from a junior courier at the lowest level to a senior technician in the highest one. They will be evaluated from various aspects, including packing skills, operation sorting system and accountability. 随着原有技术的创新发展和新技术不断涌现,快递业也呈现出个性化、智能化的特点。在仓储分拣环节,机器智能分拣系统不仅帮助快递处理员“解放了”双手,也让快递包裹分拣更及时、准确。在运输环节,无人机、无人车的出现,减少了路况等因素对于运输的影响,提高了运输时效。在配送环节,出现了自助仓储、“快递到车”等新形式。比如,有的快递企业在居民小区设置了自助快递柜,只需一个验证码,用户就可以随时取件,“谁来帮忙收快递”不再是一个问题;还有的企业通过车联网技术定位车辆,被授权的快递员可以在无钥匙状态下打开汽车后备厢,将包裹直接装上车,增加了用户收取快递的便利性。The professional ranks will better improve the labor division in the industry, while various new technologies will help increase convenience and cutting delivery time. For example, a smart sorting system is employed, which greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of sorting parcels. Drones and automated vehicles are popping up to deliver goods fast and efficiently. Smart lockers, the high-tech pick-up devices, are introduced in many Chinese cities, offering a very convenient and cost-effective alternative for customers and couriers to get parcels both delivered and received. 繁荣发展的快递业背后,一些存在的问题不容忽视。快递业发展质量和服务水平仍有进一步提升的空间。遇到“双11”等快件量暴增的时候,为追求效率,一些快递公司在运输快件过程中存在“野蛮”装卸、暴力分拣等问题,导致客户包裹被损坏。配送过程中,快件投递延误、误送、丢件的现象也时有发生。此外,快件丢失损毁赔偿难等问题也常受到消费者的诟病。目前快递使用的包装主要以纸箱、胶带和塑料袋为主,一些包裹中还有塑料薄膜、防震泡沫等填充物。根据《中国快递绿色发展现状及趋势报告》显示,我国各类快递包装材料消耗量从2000年的2.1万吨增长到2018年的941.2万吨。然而,这些包装材料回收率低、循环利用难,导致了大量快递包装垃圾的产生,可能会导致资源浪费和环境污染。However, the booming express delivery industry also has its share of problems. The quality of delivery service is still needed to be improved since violent sorting, parcel damage, and delivery errors still happen during the delivery process. Besides, a large number of parcels delivered every year generate a massive amount of packaging waste. The use of green packaging materials should be promoted in the industry, with the purpose of reducing the bad man-made industry on the environment. 一大波新职业来了,你最想尝试哪一个?
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