此外,她甚至警告欧洲国家“中国正寻求通过华为来输出其‘数字专制’(digital autocracy)”,如果它们让华为参与推出5G技术,将是“选择专制而非民主”。
值得注意的是,全国人大外事委员会副主任、外交部前副部长傅莹也在大会现场。她在会上直接反驳了佩洛西的相关言论。她首先提到佩洛西曾经对中国的“成功”访问以及双方“建设性的对话”。Senior Chinese diplomat Fu Ying refuted U.S. House speaker Nancy Pelosi's speech on Huawei that said the company is equivalent to a kind of Chinese "digital autocracy." "Do you really think that democratic systems are so fragile that it could be threatened by this single high-tech company, Huawei?" asked Fu, chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) at the annual Munich Security conference, where world leaders in policy and security issues are gathered. At the conference, Fu first expressed her appreciation of Pelosi's former exchanges with Chinese officials in other issues, but later challenged the rationality of the American politician's words on Huawei. 紧接着,傅莹话锋一转:“就我所知,世界运作的方式是,技术是一种工具,自从中国40年前开始改革后,引入了各种各样的西方技术,微软、IBM、亚马逊,他们在中国都很活跃。自从我们开始1G、2G、3G和4G以后,所有的技术都来自西方发达国家,而中国保持了它的政治体制,取得了成功,没有受到技术的威胁。”“可为什么如果把华为技术引入西方国家的5G,就会威胁政治制度呢?您真的认为民主制度这么脆弱,华为区区一家高科技公司就能威胁到它?”"How come if Huawei's technology with 5G is introduced into western countries, it will threaten the political system?" questioned Fu.Fu also gave the example of China's decades-long utilization of western technologies without ever compromising its political wellbeing. The audiences applauded after Fu finished her speech.