Locking down Wuhan, the epicenter of the new coronavirus outbreak, a city of 11 million people, was a tough decision -- and a controversial one. 处于新型冠状病毒疫情中心的武汉是一座有着1100万人口的城市, 封城是一个艰难又招来外界争议的抉择。 There were criticism and concerns about human rights violations.有批评声音担忧这一做法侵犯人权 “The Chinese government can lock millions of people into cities with almost no advance notice should not be considered anything other than terrifying,” says this Guardian article.“中国政府能将数百万人封锁在城里,几乎不作任何事先通知。这唯有恐怖二字可以形容”,《卫报》的一篇文章这样写道。 Yet, three weeks into the lockdown, as grim as the situation still is in Hubei, outside the province, the number of new infections has been on the decline since February 3rd. Now, 96% of the deaths and 80% of infections are in Hubei. Less than 1% of the infections and only two deaths are outside the Chinese mainland(as of Feb.12).然而,封城三周以后,尽管湖北省内的形势依然严峻,但省外新增病例从2月3日到14日已连续八天下降。目前,96%的死亡病例以及80%的感染病例都出现在湖北。中国大陆以外地区的感染人数占总感染人数的不到1%,且仅有两例死亡(截止2月12日)。 Don’t get me wrong. The worst is not over yet, but data shows that the coronavirus is not a global pandemic yet.不要误会我的意思,最坏的还没有过去。但数据显示,截至2月中旬,新型冠状病毒肺炎并未发展为全球性流行病。 And people are seeing China’s efforts in a different light.外界也开始重新审视中国所付出的努力。 "I am commending them (China) for locking down a city of 11 million people to protect all of us for not getting infected," Dominic Barton, the Canadian Ambassador to China said. 加拿大驻华大使鲍达民: “我赞赏中国的做法。他们封锁了有1100万人口的城市,保护其他人不被感染。” Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention echoed his sentiment, stating: "We need to be grateful for the speed in which scientists in China posted the genetic sequence and the extreme measures that are being placed in Hubei Province have probably delayed the spread of the virus to other areas."美国疾病控制和预防中心首席副主任安妮•舒沙特持同样的观点,她指出:“我们应当感谢中国科学家们在极短时间内发布了病毒基因序列,也要感谢中国针对湖北省采取的极其严格的措施,这很可能减缓了疫情向其他地区扩散的速度。” Gauden Galea, WHO Representative to China,also emphasized that carrying out social distancing, which means reducing as much as possible the number of contacts between people, is an extremely promising way of controlling and breaking the transmission. 世卫组织驻华代表高力同样强调隔离措施能够最大程度减少人与人之间的接触,非常有助于控制和阻断疫情。 Another move generating discussion and debate is China’s capacity to mobilize resources. Tens of thousands of medical staff were pooled from every Chinese region to help Hubei. Dozens of military aircraft and thousands of military personnel including doctors were sent in.另一个引发热议的话题是中国的资源调动能力。中国政府从所有省、自治区和直辖市调集上万名医护人员驰援湖北。数十架军用飞机和数千名包括医生在内的军事人员被派往疫区 And it took 10 days to build a new hospital.不仅如此,中国仅仅用了十天时间便建成了一座医院 At the end of the day, it’s about people. 归根结底,人民的安康最重要。 Emotionally, it has been a tough few weeks for a billion Chinese, most of whom had to self-isolate at home to avoid the virus. But as many of them showed, there is more than one way to stay sane...and fit! 十几亿中国人,大多数都居家自我隔离以避免感染。对他们而言,这几周过得挺难的。但是,也有许多人通过自己的方式告诉大家,保持身心健康的方式多种多样! I wish I could end on this happy note but let’s not forget that as we speak, the medical staff and first responders are putting their life on the line to fight the epidemic.我希望能在轻松的氛围中结束本期节目。但请不要忘记,就在此时此刻,医务人员和急救人员正冒着生命危险抗击疫情 This doctor, while on duty, learned that her mother had passed away. She bowed to the direction of her mother’s house and then went back to the ICU to treat her patients.这位医生在值班过程中收到了母亲去世的消息。她向着母亲家的方向深深鞠躬,之后又重新回到重症监护室里救助病人。 They are unsung heroes who deserve the most credit.他们是最值得赞扬的无名英雄。 推荐阅读: