作者Uri Friedman在这篇文章中指出,美国在与中国的“较量”中或已失去其盟友的支持。自美国单方面挑起中美贸易争端以来,华为作为全球第一大电信设备厂商,屡遭美方施压。此番美国政府对华为设备及其5G技术不安全的指控,也已经让人见怪不怪。但至今,美国似乎也未能拿出确凿证据证明华为产品及其5G技术究竟有何“安全风险”。尽管华为多次强调,5G作为工具本身没有安全问题,华为也不会植入后门。但美国政府始终强调采用华为设备将对国家安全造成威胁,如今却遭遇滑铁卢。The security concerns over China's 5G technology have found itself to be a much discussed topic amid the spiraling conflict between China and the U.S., the world's two largest economies’. Following the U.S. decision to put China's telecom giant Huawei, one of the world's leading names in the development of 5G infrastructure, on its "Entity List" in May due to the alleged "national security risks."1月以来,美国向英国政府持续施压,要求英国5G系统禁用华为,并以停止共享情报为要挟。英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊明确表示,英国民众有权使用最好的科技。反对英国在5G网络使用华为设备者,必须说明英国应该使用何种技术取代华为产品。尽管面临来自美国的巨大压力,英国仍然选择允许华为部分参与其5G网络建设,这无疑表明华为5G技术在通讯市场里无法被取代,美国的虚张声势终将以失败告终。It was a slap in the face to the U.S. officials when UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the country would allow the Chinese telecom giant Huawei to enter its 5G market despite U.S’ urging it not to do so over the alleged security risks, the article noted.就如同约翰逊在接受BBC电视访问时说的那样:“若有人反对任何品牌,他们必须将其替代方案告诉我们。”“If people oppose one brand or another then they have to tell us what is the alternative, right?”