3月26日晚上八点,伦敦地标亮起蓝色灯光,向奋斗在疫情前线的NHS医务人员致敬。从首相、皇室成员到市民,准时出现在门前和阳台,献上他们真挚的祝福。#Clap for Carers, 英国电视台提出这一倡议,随即在社交媒体上迅速发酵,越来越多的人加入其中。People across the UK have taken part in a national campaign to cheer health workers during the COVID-19 outbreak.The public was asked to follow strict guidelines and stay home.British media launched the #Clap for Carers campaign, which quickly gained traction on social media.London's main landmarks were immersed in an ocean of blue neon lights.
Lights will guide you home
苏格兰一家由夫妻经营的街角小店Day Today Express免费为65岁以上的老人提供口罩,抗菌洗手液和清洁巾,以遏制新冠肺炎的传播。退休人员在Stenhousemuir小镇的Day Today Express 购物时,可以领取医疗必需品。那些无法亲自到店的顾客,小店还提供了免费送货上门服务。店主贾瓦德·贾维德夫妇称,每个医药包的成本约为2英镑,他们已经派送了500个。他们的各种服务(包括送货上门)额外增加了2000磅的支出。贾维德女士说:“我们也有收到顾客的资助,一些10镑,20镑装在信封里的零钱,我们把这些资助收下,以便更好地回馈他人。”A shop in Scotland is handing out free face masks, antibacterial hand gel and cleaning wipes to people aged over 65 to fight COVID-19.
Pensioners shopping at Day Today Express in Stenhousemuir can also pick up a bag of the essential items.Those who can't make it to the supermarket can even have their groceries delivered for free.Asiyah and Jawad Javed, who run the corner shop, said the act of generosity had cost their business about £2,000.Asivah said, "We are using our own money to fund this project at the moment. But we had a few customers who have been sending in envelopes with 20 pounds, 10 pounds in them."一位顾客在俄亥俄州哥伦布市的一家烧烤酒吧留下了2500美元的小费。在休斯顿,一对夫妇留下了9000多美元的小费来帮助餐厅的员工。Some Americans are helping out food service workers by tipping large.One customer left a 2,500-U.S.-dollar tip at a bar and grill in Ohio.And in Houston, a couple left over 9,000-U.S.-dollar in tips to help a restaurant's staff.