

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-25
In the latest episode of CGTN's live stream program "COVID-19 Frontline" held on Wednesday, doctors from the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University were invited to share their first-hand experience in treatment and precautionary measures in Wuhan with medics from Nepal.

中国驻尼泊尔大使侯艳琪,以及尼泊尔卫生与人口部部长巴努·巴克达·达卡尔(Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal)也参与节目并首先致辞。





Hou Yanqi, the Chinese Ambassador to Nepal, sent video greetings. "The pandemic is a common threat to humankind and only by enhancing coordination and cooperation can we forge strong synergy needed to defeat COVID-19," she said. "China and Nepal are close neighbors linked by mountains and rivers, the solidarity and mutual assistance between China and Nepal in the face of the pandemic have fully demonstrated profound friendship between the two countries and peoples."  

尼泊尔卫生与人口部部长巴努·巴克达·达卡尔(Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal)发表致辞


Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal, Minister of Health and Population of Nepal, said the novel coronavirus has become a big challenge to the world and the experiences gained by China represent a very important asset. He said the program would be helpful in sharing knowledge and experiences that can contribute to coronavirus containment and case management.


中方参加视频会议的是来自河北医科大学第三医院、参与支援湖北医疗队的王飞、张新亮和杨楠三位医生,以及中国第12批援尼医疗队队长刘柳;而尼泊尔方面的专家团队包括尼泊尔政府卫生和人口部专家顾问凯姆·巴哈杜尔·卡尔基博士(Dr. Khem Bahadur Karki)和两位来自尼泊尔首批新冠肺炎定点医院的医生。

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc around the world, Nepal witnessed a surge in infections over the past week. As of May 7, the total number of confirmed cases in the country reached 99 with no deaths reported. The Nepali government has decided to extend the national lockdown till May 18 and continue its suspension of international flights till May 31.

Plasma therapy and the use of anticoagulant drugs

在交流中,来自尼泊尔首都加德满都的阿努普·巴斯托拉博士(Dr. Anup Bastola)询问了恢复期血浆应用的问题,希望中国医生介绍一下具体的临床使用经验。



Dr. Anup Bastola, a chief consultant physician of Teku Hospital, Nepal, wanted to know about plasma therapy and the use of anticoagulant drugs on critically ill patients.

Dr. Zhang Xinliang, deputy director of the Emergency Department of the same hospital, talked about the effectiveness of convalescent plasma. The therapy is used on severe COVID-19 patients. The general injection dose is 200 milliliters. The high titers of neutralizing antibodies in plasma can be effective in reducing symptoms and mortality. But he also pointed out that not all hope can be put into plasma therapy. It has a lot of side effects such as allergic reactions and fever. So the convalescent plasma should only be used for patients who are critically ill with COVID-19.

"The source of plasma is scarce," Dr. Zhang added. The timing of the usage is also very important. When used late on severe patients, it can be less effective.





Dr. Yang Nan, an attending physician of the respiratory department of Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, said some severe patients develop a hypercoagulable state and D-Dimer-based coagulation factors appear abnormal. So early anticoagulation, which may block clotting formation, is very important. 

Treatment for non-COVID-19 patients during the pandemic

加德满都比尔医院、国家医学科学院创伤中心主任桑拓什·鲍德尔博士(Dr. Santosh Paudel)在交流中提到新冠肺炎时期,非新冠肺炎患者的收治问题,比如一些心脏和肾脏等慢性疾病患者和需要急性外科手术的患者,如何满足这些病人的需要。



Dr. Santosh Paudel, head of the National Trauma Center of Bir Hospital, Nepal, had some questions regarding the management of non-COVID-19 patients during the pandemic.

Dr. Yang Nan said the key point is to distinguish whether the patient is infected with COVID-19 or not. When a patient comes to the outpatient department, they are categorized into two categories depending on whether they have symptoms and epidemiological history. The patients with symptoms are sent to a special fever clinic to get tested. If they test positive for coronavirus, they will be sent to isolation rooms for further observation.

But there are asymptomatic patients, so all patients who need surgery should undergo a nucleic acid test, antibody test and chest CT. Then the operation can be arranged, according to the result.

The psychological impact of lockdown




Dr. Khem Bahadur Karki wanted to know about the psychological impact for people under lockdown. 

Wang Fei, vice president of the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, said China has not carried out a very extensive survey on the psychological conditions of the masses under lockdown. But the survey on the psychological conditions of medical workers in Wuhan shows that some medical workers have different degrees of anxiety and depression. Besides, many patients lost their loved ones and may have different degrees of psychological trauma. Therefore, it is very important to provide them emotional care and psychological support.


In later episodes of "COVID-19 Frontline," more doctors and experts from Wuhan will join in to share their experiences with colleagues from other parts of the world. If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, you can share with us by using #MyOpinionOnCOVID19 on Facebook.




美国国会拟举行疫情应对调查听证会 白宫:福奇不准去!

