短短十几年,随着网络文学被更多人熟知,其发展势头日渐强劲,从最初的小众领域,一跃成为大众内容消费的重要组成部分。由网络文学改编的影视作品呈“井喷”之势,几乎占据了传统市场的半壁江山。 进入内容IP时代,网络文学的影响力日盛,其衍生作品更是欣欣向荣。优质的作品通过影视、话剧等不同形式的改编,借助平台运营迅速走向海外市场,吸引更多用户关注中国文化,实现了文化输出。 TV drama "Legend of Fei" adapted from internet literature, wrapped up recently. The show, which stars uber-popular Chinese actors Wang Yibo and Zhao Liying, has snagged the number one spot among local dramas, according to the highly anticipated list of upcoming shows Datawin has released. The author of the drama, who goes by the pseudonym Priest, is one of the most famous writers in internet literature. In addition to "Legend of Fei," Priest's other online literary works have also received positive responses from film companies, with some of them even buying scripts. She is not the only successful writer of online literature. In recent years, many popular dramas have been adapted from online literature. "Candle in the Tomb," which has been remade into several TV dramas and movies, and hit TV series "Winter Begonia" are among them. Over the past 20 years, internet literature in China has developed from an initial spark to its current massive scale. The fast-growing sector has become both a "cultural wonder" and a social phenomenon in China. 2019年可以说是网络文学改编剧的“高光之年”,火爆荧屏的几部影视剧《亲爱的,热爱的》、《庆余年》等皆为网络文学的改编作品,作为影视改编的“天然宝库”,网络文学在电视剧创作中发挥了无可替代的作用。 据晋江文学城副总裁胡慧娟介绍,网络文学作品凭借轻投资、高口碑等优势,加上本身累积的粉丝群体能够为影视剧强势引流,使得网络文学IP成为影视剧改编方面不可或缺的重要源泉。 此外,近年来女性消费崛起。据统计,使用网络文学进行影视改编的数量占了传统市场的20%,其中超过一半产自晋江文学城,而在晋江文学城的用户群中,女性占比高达93%,创造更多以女性群体为对象的消费产品已成为发展趋势。调查发现,近年来热播的影视作品题材多以情感故事为主,相较于其他主题,这类“女性取向”的影视作品更容易被观众接受。 除了爱情故事主题的文学题材,以中国传统文化为主题的网络文学改编剧也受到海外市场的追捧,成为海外观众学习中国历史的重要渠道。 2019年,改编自同名网络小说的《长安十二时辰》在全网热播,该剧通过细腻的镜头语言和华美的场景布置,还原了千年前的中国历史图景,向观众呈现出恢弘的盛唐风情。作家马伯庸也凭借扎实的历史考据和各具特点的人物刻画,得到了观众的认可。该剧以付费形式成功登陆北美地区后,不仅收获了极佳的口碑,更实现了文化出海,成为“优质IP影视化改编跟平台互相成就”的经典案例。 随着网络文学产业的不断发展,更多网络文学作品的落地形式还在进一步探索之中,最终将通过构建以IP为核心的文化生产方式去探索更多的可能,优质的文学作品在活跃影视市场的同时还能为弘扬传统文化贡献力量。 In 2019, TV production companies and online platforms produced several blockbuster dramas. From "Go Go Squid!" and "The Untamed" to "Qing Yu Nian," all are adapted works of internet literature. It can be said that internet literature has become a "natural wealth" of film and television adaptation and plays an important role in the production and creation of TV and network dramas. "The stories favored by female readers are preferred," said Hu Huijuan, vice president of Jinjiang literature, one of the largest internet literature platforms, where female readers account for about 93 percent of its users. "Internet literature adaptations account for about 20 percent of the traditional market in recent years, with more than half of them originating in Jinjiang,”Hu said. These high-quality literary works have even received attention from overseas. "Go Go Squid" got 7.7 points on IMDb. "Facts have proved that stories favored by female readers are more acceptable in overseas markets than other themes and serve as a bridge between Chinese culture and the world," Hu added. In addition to love stories, TV dramas adapted from traditional Chinese culture-themed internet literature have become a channel for overseas viewers to learn about Chinese history. In 2019, "The Longest Day In Chang'an" became a hit on the internet. Through its ingenious production, the drama presented a magnificent scene of the flourishing Tang Dynasty (618-907) for the audience. "The Longest Day In Chang'an" is on Amazon Prime, Amazon North America's paid subscription service, the first time a Chinese drama has been paid for in a quasi-synchronous format. 推荐阅读:CGTN专访《长安十二时辰》美术指导:看幕后大神如何带你“梦回大唐” 《亲爱的,热爱的》带火的CTF,究竟是什么?