"We had unprecedented access embedded in their poverty alleviation programs as we traveled across China to desperately impoverished areas, meeting villagers, local officials, and independent monitors."
——Dr. Robert Lawrence Kuhn
这是美国导演彼得·盖泽尔对他所执导的专题纪录片《中国脱贫攻坚》献上的一句结语。This is what I want to tell.This is what I need to bring out to the rest of the world to realize,This is something unprecedented that is happening in China."This is what Peter Getzel, director of the documentary "Voice from the Frontline: China's War on Poverty" said in an interview with us. His first comment.《中国脱贫攻坚》专题纪录片由国务院扶贫办和中国国际电视台(CGTN)联合推出,中国国际电视台《走近中国》栏目主持人、美国资深中国问题专家、“中国改革友谊奖章”获得者罗伯特•劳伦斯•库恩博士主持并撰稿,中美团队联合拍摄,以外国人的眼光、贴近海外受众的叙事方式,全面介绍中国的“精准扶贫、精准脱贫”。The feature documentary "Voices from the Frontline: China's War on Poverty" is presented by China's State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development in association with CGTN, the Kuhn Foundation, and PBS SoCal, hosted and written by Dr. Robert Lawrence Kuhn, host of the CGTN program "Closer to China with R.L. Kuhn", renowned China expert and recipient of the China Reform Friendship Medal, and is produced by a joint US-China production team. It provides a textured and intimate portrayal of China’s historic “targeted poverty alleviation.”党的十八大以来,中国高度重视“精准扶贫、精准脱贫”工作。习近平主席曾说“扶贫始终是我工作的一个重要内容,我花的精力最多”。在中国共产党的领导下,中国农村贫困人口已经从2012年的9899万人减少到2019年底的551万人。2013年有建档立卡贫困县832个,2019年底已减少到52个。Since as early as 2012, China has stressed the great importance of "targeted poverty alleviation." As President Xi Jinping once said, "Poverty alleviation has always been a most important part of my work, and I have spent more energy on it than on anything else." China has reduced its poor population from 98.99 million in 2012 to 5.51 million in 2019, and its registered poor counties from 832 in 2013 to 52 in 2019. 新冠肺炎疫情来袭,中国能否顺利打赢脱贫攻坚战?国家主席习近平在陕西考察调研中表明中国扶贫的既定目标不变并进一步明晰未来扶贫工作主线。是什么样的制度优势保证中国脱贫攻坚的成功?《中国脱贫攻坚》专题纪录片用镜头为观众揭示中国胜利的秘密。Will China achieve its target of successfully eradicating all extreme poverty in the country in 2020? During an inspection tour in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, China's President Xi Jinping urged enhanced efforts to overcome the negative impact of the COVID-19 epidemic to ensure the country reaches its goals in eradicating poverty in rural areas in 2020. What kind of systems help China achieve such success? "Voices from the Frontline: China's War on Poverty" reveals the country's secrets in eradicating extreme poverty.历时两年,摄制组先后走访贵州、甘肃、新疆、山西、四川、海南等地,探访中国贫困家庭,采访国务院扶贫办负责人及省、市、县、乡、村五级政府官员。The production of the documentary took two years, during which the film crew visited poor households in five provinces and a region — Guizhou, Gansu, Xinjiang, Shanxi, Sichuan and Hainan — and interviewed the director of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, as well as government officials at the provincial, city, county, township and village levels.通过跟踪拍摄,纪录片用纪实手法真实还原每一个扶贫、脱贫故事:一个普普通通的人,一条弯弯曲曲的路,这些被镌刻在荧幕里的前后人生,演绎着“精准扶贫,精准脱贫”落地生根、披泽众人的历程。
The documentary captures in verité style the following stories:
the young Party Secretary working in a remote village;the Gansu girl who changed her fate through education;the Kazakh herder who lifted himself out of poverty by raising camels;the elderly of Guizhou who was relocated out of the mountainsFocusing on everyman’s life story, the documentary presents the Chinese concepts of "targeted poverty alleviation" and explains the "five methods" to overseas audiences.纪录片也是首次以媒体随行拍摄的方式,记录了脱贫攻坚第三方评估全过程,印证了 “中国脱贫攻坚结果是较真的,想做假是不行的”这一事实:“帮扶人员没来过我家。”当评估团队悄悄到访,当贫困户默默说下这句话时,在场的地方政府官员面红耳赤、哑口无言……The documentary recorded on camera, for the first time, the entire process of a third-party assessment of poverty alleviation, echoing the words of Liu Yongfu, director of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development. "China’s goal of poverty alleviation is clear," he said; "our determination is firm, subjects clear, tasks concrete. Requirements to get results are stringent. Fraudulent practices will not be tolerated."待到翌日鸡鸣,我们再度启程,寻觅掩藏在深山里更多不为人知的声音。扶贫一刻不停,《中国脱贫攻坚》一直在路上。With the first crow at dawn, we set off again, in search of the little-known story covered in deep mountains and hills where the poor reside. Poverty alleviation campaign is en route with no cease; so is our documentary "Voices from the Frontline: China’s War on Poverty".2019年,《中国脱贫攻坚》专题纪录片在美国公共电视网南加州电视台(PBS SoCal)播出,并收到来自全球各界人士的观影反馈:Since its pilot on PBS SoCal in 2019, the documentary has been warmly received by audiences all over the world:
"The documentary offers an unprecedented individual insight into Chinese society, providing a comprehensive picture of China's efforts to achieve its goal of building a "moderately prosperous society" by 2020."——Robert Marston, Chairman of Marston Strategic Communications
"The documentary illustrates China's great achievements in poverty alleviation vividly. As an achievement unprecedented in the world, China's four decades of reform and opening-up have contributed to lift its people out of poverty."—— Graham Allison, former US Assistant Secretary of Defense and author of the " Thucydides Trap "
"The documentary tells a fascinating story, showing how President Xi Jinping led the Chinese people to shake off extreme poverty."——Maurice Greenberg, winner of the China Reform Friendship Medal
"It was a great documentary, noting that poverty alleviation would become an important political legacy for President Xi Jinping."—— Michael Medavoy, Hollywood producer, and Academy Award winner…
2020年,专题纪录片《中国脱贫攻坚》将面向更多更广的海外受众,于美西时间2020年5月11日19:00在美国公共电视网南加州电视台首播,官网在线直播,并陆续在 PBS全美210家电视台播出。In 2020, "Voices from the Frontline: China's War on Poverty" will be open to the larger-scale overseas audience. It is to premiere on PBS SoCal in the U.S. on May 11, 2020, and will be broadcast on PBS stations across the country with streaming available online at pbssocal.org/voicesfromthefrontline, as well as on pbs.org and on the free PBS App. “来吧,看看这些你不熟悉的人和事,才能说,你了解中国。”导演彼得·盖泽尔说。"Come and behold, something probably you don't know much about, and it will change the way you view China." Said Peter Getzel. His last comment.
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