编者按:CGTN新媒体主播刘晨带来创意短视频系列《SAY WHAT?网红唠两会》,选取中国当下与两会相关的热议话题与互联网文化熔铸出的热点词汇,以“90后”的叙事视角和视听语言,在“潮流”与“会议”的“反差萌”中解读中国社会的发展变迁。 Editor's note: SAY WHAT? is an original video series CGTN Digital presented for the upcoming Two Sessions. Each episode introduces one key word that will be frequently mentioned and discussed during the sessions. Hope this is an easier start for you to better understand China's important annual political event. The key word in this episode: The No.1 Central Document.
什么是中央一号文件?为什么我们要聊这个?因为这是一份关系着中国5.5亿农民命运的重要文件。自2004年起,中央一号文件连续17年聚焦“三农”(农业、农村、农民)问题,强调了“三农”问题在中国社会主义现代化时期“重中之重”的地位。 What is the No.1 Central Document of China? Maybe you've never heard of it, but it matters to a lot of people: 550 million farmers! The No.1 Central Document outlines development goals for the agricultural sector, and then, the government works out supporting policies and measures. 你知道世界上规模最大、速度最快的城镇化进程发生在哪里吗?答案是:中国。 70年来,中国农民占比已减少五成以上。改革开放初期,农村贫困人口有7.7个亿。2019年末,这个数字降至551万,2020年即将全部脱贫。这些变化的背后,一份文件功不可没。没错,正是中央一号文件。 Here in China, we are experiencing the largest and fastest-paced urbanization in the world. Over the past 70 years, the ratio of rural population nearly halved. The number of Chinese farmers living under poverty line has also dropped rapidly, from 770 million to 5.5 million over the past 40 years. What has pushed forward the changes? It is the No. 1 Central Document. And this year, the document says every person in rural China will be lifted out of poverty. How to better support farming communities? How to improve conditions and enhance lives for people living in rural areas? Since 2004, the No. 1 Central Document has focused on addressing these issues. In other words, it aims at helping "agriculture, rural areas and rural people." 今年二月发布的第17份中央一号文件包含哪些新信息呢?总的来说,最重要的两大任务就是打赢脱贫攻坚战和补上全面小康“三农”领域的突出短板。这两大任务都是紧紧围绕“2020年全面建成小康社会”的总任务进行的。 This February, the latest document gives new instructions towards achieving that goal. China will focus on two major tasks: Ending poverty and improving deficiencies. Once accomplished, the country will be a step closer to achieving the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020. 为了打赢脱贫攻坚战,今年的中央一号文件提出明确要求,一是完成剩余300万农村贫困人口、50多个贫困县的脱贫任务。二是要巩固成果,防止返贫。三是做好考核验收,杜绝数字脱贫、虚假脱贫。 But how does China implement the task of ending poverty? The premier focus is on the remaining 3 million rural people living in poverty and the 50 plus poorest counties in the country. The target is to lift them all out of poverty this year. And then, the government will focus on preventing people from slipping back into poverty. Make the result real and lasting. 打赢脱贫攻坚战不等于减贫事业画句号。中国将建立解决贫困的长效机制,将其纳入实施乡村振兴战略统筹安排。 全面建成小康社会,不仅靠经济指标的“数量”衡量,也要靠生活感受的“质量”来衡量,这就涉及到另一大任务:补短板。 Of course, completing these tasks doesn't mean the end of poverty alleviation. China knows it still has a long way to go. A long-term mechanism is needed, and a strategy of rural revitalization will continue. Creating better rural conditions is the second task. Apart from the "quantity" of economic indicators, China also requires improved "quality" of life. 农村基础设施不足、公共服务落后是反映最强烈的民生问题,也是城乡发展不平衡最直观的体现。可以说,全面建成小康社会,最突出的短板在三农。中央一号文件针对乡村路、网、水、厕等基础设施短板,教育、卫生、社保、文化、生态等公共服务短板,提出了八大举措解决痛点,全面提升农民幸福感。 Improving infrastructure and public services are the two most striking challenges. The No.1 Central Document proposes eight measures to build infrastructure such as roads, water supply and sanitation facilities in rural areas. Public services such as education, healthcare and social security will also be improved. 在不同的年代背景下,中央一号文件各有侧重,但不变的是,每年的中央一号文件总是牵动着无数人的心,因为它给人们带来春的消息。 今年的两会上,为了实现中央一号文件的目标,政府又会出台哪些政策保障,以及落实任务的具体措施呢?让我们一起期待吧! The No.1 Central Document has outlined the goals, which will affect the lives of millions of Chinese farmers, but specific policies and detailed measures needed to be worked out to help implement the document. All these and more will be discussed and deliberated during the upcoming Two Sessions. Let's look forward to finding out!