当全球面临挑战,我们必须做正确的事情,不仅如此 做事方法还必须巧妙When something goes wrong in the world, we must do the right thing, not just that, we must do the smart thing. 新冠肺炎暴露了人类社会中的一些问题,采取传统思维并非明智的应对之举,必须跳出问题看问题,打破陈规办事情-为世界打造新一代科技。COVID-19 has laid bare some of the problems in human society, and the smart response is not to be trapped in old-school thinking, but to think of the unthinkable and try what you never tried before: the building of the next generation of technology for the world 但是中国无法以一己之力实现这个目标,中国需要以全球视野看待问题,需要与所有伙伴共同努力。世界面临的最大挑战不是疫情,疫情终将成为历史,2020年是本世纪的转折年,疫情仅仅是个小插曲 。But China cannot do it on its own, China needs to think in the global context and we need all partners to work in concert. The biggest problem the world is facing is not the pandemic. It will eventually pass. 2020 is defining the century, it is merely a distraction. 一方面中国仍在积极抗击疫情,另一方面中国已经着眼于发展最先进的科技,从高端制造到数字金融,从远程医疗到超高速通信。While still in the midst of combatting COVID-19, the Chinese are already eyeing the most cutting-edge promises, from advanced manufacturing to digital finance, from telemedicine to super-fast communication. 新冠肺炎促使人们重新审视医疗服务,历史上,这个领域的新技术推广往往较慢,从业的数据科学家和程序员并不多。COVID-19 has made people rethink healthcare, a business that historically has been slow to adopt new technologies or hire data scientists and coders. 如今,医疗行业已今非昔比,人工智能已被广泛应用于中国乃至全球的新冠肺炎患者诊断。程序员只需一周时间便能开发出识读医学影像的算法,读片速度比医生快100倍。中国人真是实践出真知的典范。Not anymore. AI is already being widely used in the diagnosis of COVID patients all over China and around the world. Coders took only a week to come up with an algorithm to read X-ray images, and it reads 100 times faster than human doctors. The Chinese have learnt to fly an airplane while building it. 另一个奇迹发生在金融领域。四月下旬,中国成为首个发行法定数字货币的主要经济体。数字货币是数字经济的核心要素。这之所以能够顺理成章地推广开来,是因为过去十年,中国人广泛使用电子支付。最终世界各国的货币体系都将朝着这个方向发展。这是中国人以改革促发展的代表作。 Another unthinkable occurrence happened in finance. In late April, China became the first major economy to have a national digital currency, a central part of the digital economy. That happened on back of nearly a decade of Chinese paying electronically almost everywhere. And ultimately, monetary systems around the world are headed that way. This time the Chinese are flying the plane while redesigning the whole thing. 疫情冲击全球价值链,导致的经济损失最为惨重。更糟的是,一些政客建立有形和无形的壁垒,人为破坏全球贸易。雄心勃勃的中国科技公司华为就深陷风波之中。美国政府勒令多家产品和服务公司对华为“断供”。在贸易全球化时代,这着实让人难以理解。 The biggest economic casualty of the pandemic has been to the global value chain. And to make matters worse, some politicians set up walls, real or virtual, to artificially upend global trade. Huawei, an aspiring Chinese tech company has been caught in this fire. The U.S. denied it access to all American products and services. This is really unthinkable in the age of globalized trade. 有人说这是因为华为太过强大,我不这么认为。证明自身价值的最佳方法是创造更多价值。中国公司决不能气馁,不能掉头转向国内市场。而要富有远见,增加自身价值。华为不应退缩,而应该加倍努力拓展海外市场。Some say this is because Huawei has become too big and too powerful. I don’t believe it. The best way to prove one’s value is to add more value. Chinese companies need to rein in the urge to go inward, be real visionaries and become more valuable. Instead of backing down, Huawei should double down on going global. 关键要扩大技术的影响范围,对所有系统开放,并实现价值链的多样化。如今华为的并不张扬。相反,华为显得过于低调。当合作伙伴紧张不安时,你应该握紧他们的手,尝试别的合作方式。华为具备光学网络通信系统方面最优秀的研发团队。这是面向2050年的一项未来科技。To extend the reach, open up to all systems and diversify the value chain. It is not that Huawei is exposed too much, it’s just the opposite, it is exposed too little. When your partners get cold feet, you hold them tight and try other options. The company is already using the best research teams in optics networking systems, a technology meant for 2050. 正如其创始人任正非所言:“华为卖的不是产品,而是未来。”创造未来靠的不是单打独斗,而是团结作战,雨露均沾。微软做到了,苹果做到了,华为正在朝这个方向努力。As its founder Ren Zhengfei said, rather than selling products, Huawei sells the future and that future does not reside in going it alone, but bringing others along. Microsoft did it, Apple did it and Huawei is doing it. 2020年既不是最好的年代,也不是最差的年代,好坏完全取决于我们的态度。所以说 让我们忘记冬天的萧肃,拥抱春天的希望,一起让这个世界“疫”后重生。 2020. It is not the best of times, it is not the worst of times, it all depends on how we deal with the times. So forget the winter of despair and embrace the spring of hope. When the world is sick, we make a new one. 推荐阅读:悦辩悦明 | 科技中国 解码未来:杂交水稻 终结饥荒 悦辩悦明 | 科技中国 解码未来:智慧世界,还有多远? 悦辩悦明 | 科技中国 解码未来 AI医生助力抗疫