

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-24


6月5日,中央广播电视总台中国国际电视台(CGTN)的“全球疫情会诊室”举办了一场特别节目,邀请来自中国和意大利的医学专家、经济学家和产业领袖就如何重启经济的一系列相关问题展开线上交流。本期节目也在意大利Class CNBC电视台及旗下互联网平台同步播出。




意大利驻华大使方澜意(Luca Ferrari)也参加了这场交流。他说,目前中意两国都面临着疫情之后的经济增长压力,而他在中国看到的是经济逐渐恢复。




意大利驻华大使方澜意(Luca Ferrari)在节目中发言

In the latest episode of CGTN's livestream program "COVID-19 Frontline" held on Friday, June 5, CGTN in collaboration with Class CNBC, brought together health experts, economists and industry leaders from China and Italy to discuss the resumption of production and economic recovery as the global economy enters a recession due to the pandemic.

Luca Ferrari, Italian ambassador to China, also joined the webinar. "Chinese industrial sector, not only Chinese, but also foreign companies in China, have their production back to at least 98 percent. International financial institutions tell us that by the end of the year, China should be back to growth... I think this is very important for Europe as a whole and for Italy in particular...Export-oriented countries like Italy or other European countries have a lot of stake in the China's growth in the second half of the year," Ferrari said.

This week, Italy allowed unrestricted travel between Italy and other Schengen countries. As of the time of writing, Italy has recorded a total of 234,013 confirmed COVID-19 cases, with 33,689 deaths, according to the WHO.




米兰大学微生物学教授卡洛•费德里科•佩尔诺(Carlo Federico Perno)认为,达尔文的适者生存原理也适用于病毒。病毒也在学着和人体相适应,变得不容易杀死病人,否则病毒就没有宿主了。但是他指出,通常这种适应性变化需要很长时间,一般为几年到几百年。几周或几个月的时间之内不太可能,因此他认为目前病毒和几个月之前没有太大变化。


CGTN主播邹韵与Class CNBC主播安德里亚•卡布里尼(Andrea Cabrini)联袂主持本期中国-意大利专家交流节目

Has the novel coronavirus changed?

Zhu Huachen, associate professor of Division of Public Health Laboratory Science, Hong Kong University, said it's not surprising if the virus is mutating. It seems the fatality rate is decreasing a little bit recently. Only a few hundreds of asymptomatic cases emerged in the city-wide nucleic acid testing conducted in Wuhan, the former epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in China. The massive reduction in the number of patients with symptoms indicates the pathogens in this virus is decreasing. But more scientific evidence is needed.

Carlo Federico Perno, Professor of Microbiology, University of Milan, has a different perspective. He said by treating the patients at an earlier stage, the disease was milder, but the virus was not. It might become milder in the future, but today the virus is more or less the same as it was at the beginning of the outbreak.


Class CNBC主播安德里亚•卡布里尼(Andrea Cabrini)在节目中问,中国政府采取了哪些有效的措施来恢复经济增长?又有哪些可供意大利借鉴?




意大利经济学家米歇尔•格拉西(Michele Geraci)认为,中国重启经济的一个优势是,政府有强大的号召力,出台的措施有多种渠道可以落实。中国和欧洲不同,就是中国经济的数字化发展蓬勃,移动互联网非常发达,中国消费者24小时在线。这意味着全球化虽然会在一定行业减弱,但是数字化会愈加繁荣,相关行业比如人工智能等基本不受疫情影响。

How to restart the economy?

John Gong, professor of the University of International Business and Economics, said small and medium-sized enterprises in China provide 70 to 80 percent of the jobs. In order to help them survive during the pandemic, enough loans need to be provided, rent needs to be reduced for one or two months, and taxes should be reduced as well.

Michele Geraci, an economist in Italy, said unlike China, there aren't as many state-owned enterprises in Italy. Besides, the structure of China's economy is unique, 45 percent of China's GDP comes from investment. While in Italy, the number is only 15 to 18 percent. 





The impact of the pandemic on the Belt and Road Initiative

Italy was the first among the G7 countries to sign on to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). According to Michele Geraci, the infrastructure construction in Africa and the Middle East will not be affected by the epidemic, because most people work outdoors in a vast area. And Italian companies can benefit from BRI, which should be given a stronger push.

Gong said this year would be very difficult as most parts of the world will see a negative economic growth, and he doesn't think China is going to make a strategic change. The overall direction of the BRI is still very sound. There are many loans associated with the initiative. Some politicians talk about loan relief, however, these are not charitable projects but commercial projects, which can lift the overall infrastructure level and create more manufacturing jobs in these countries, according to Gong.


Perspectives on business switching from offline to online

Carlo Maria Ferro, president of Italian Trade Agency, said digitization is very important. He said Italy is at the top of the high-end manufacturing industry, but it also needs more digitization. With digital tools, everything can go back to normal. Digital management business has been reestablished and training programs for digital managers have been launched.


In later episodes of "COVID-19 Frontline," more frontline doctors and experts from Wuhan will join in to share their experience with their colleagues from other parts of the world. If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, you can share them with us using #MyOpinionOnCOVID19 on Facebook.


“全球疫情会诊室”: 江苏援鄂团队与坦桑尼亚专家分享抗疫经验

