TikTok creator Curtis Newbill, 24, is one of thousands of young creators who has found fame through the app. Newbill relies solely on income from TikTok to make a living. Screenshot via NY Times8月24日,TikTok正式起诉美国政府,指控特朗普总统强行发布行政命令、封禁该应用程序在美国的运营同时,剥夺了TikTok的正当程序。
TikTok is suing the Trump administration over an executive order that would effectively ban the app in the U.S.How do TikTok influencers react towards the ban?How will their career paths be affected by the ban?This article will analyze the dilemma of the industry of Internet influencers.特朗普宣称封禁TikTok的第二天,20位头部TikTok网红撰写了一封致特朗普的公开联名信。“TikTok为年轻人提供了一个无比自由的交流平台,这样的环境和氛围是年轻人在Facebook和Instagram上找不到的。我们这代人(Z世代)是在互联网中成长起来,但我们看待世界的角度和视野,远非这两个平台(Facebook和Instagram)所能局限的。TikTok是属于我们的精神家园,为什么要将它作为你们政治斗争的工具?”遗憾的是,这些年轻人的声音,并没有引起美国社会各界的重视。特朗普政府和TikTok之间的博弈依旧进行着,也让网红们的事业发展增添变数。The surprise announcement from the U.S. government forced influencers, including Charli D'Amelio, to say goodbye to their fans, asking them to join them on apps like Instagram and YouTube.TikTok is known mostly as a platform for dance videos. At the same time, especially at the time of the election, the app has become an information and a hub for Generation Z and politically-minded young people.TikTok平台上粉丝量过千万的头部网红,暂时还未受到禁令事件的影响。他们通过短视频走红,却十分注重个人IP的打造。懂得与时尚、运动、影视行业跨界联名,从而吸引流量。据公开资料显示,在TikTok已经积累起名气的Charli D'Amelio,让跨平台创作变得轻而易举。Charli D'Amelio仅用12个视频就收获了近670万YouTube粉丝。而她的Instagram账号粉丝也有近3000万。以Charli D'Amelio为代表的TikTok头部网红,在年轻群体中的影响力堪比好莱坞明星。
TikTok Influencer Charli D'Amelio in Pink hoodieTikTok头部网红Charli D'Amelio因拍摄创意舞蹈短视频在TikTok平台上走红,她很感谢这个平台,听闻这一禁令,她几乎是声泪俱下。“我还是希望TikTok不会被封禁,但如果事情真的发生了,我可能会转向其他平台,继续发布有趣的内容。”Charli D'Amelio, one of the famous TikTok influencers, has amassed nearly 6.7 million YouTube fans in just 12 videos. She also has almost 30 million followers on Instagram.
She paid gratitude to TikTok and felt heartbroken when she heard about the bans. However, she still actively seeks to upload videos on different multimedia platforms.不同于已经出圈,有个人IP的TikTok头部网红们,腰部创作者们在TikTok封禁后,将失去谋生之路。这并不能完全怪罪于禁令,TikTok自身的商业变现方式,也注定了腰部网红们跨平台发展的困难。TikTok并没有像YouTube一样,采取与创作者分发流量的商业化模式。平台上的网红们,一般通过三个途径变现。其一:积累一定粉丝量后与品牌方合作,拍摄有偿的商业广告;其二:创作者在直播间收取打赏礼物。其三:参与平台举办的活动,获取现金奖励。但直播打赏在海外普及度不高,多数TikTok红人多数依靠商业推广。一旦TikTok被封禁后,粉丝黏性低,知名度不高的创作者将前途未卜。在印度,TikTok更多是渗透到下沉市场,同时成为了一些生活在乡村的工薪阶层的收入来源。以往占据印度社会舆论的是各界政要明星,他们主要说英语与北印地语。而印度县乡的日常用语则多达几十个小语种,他们缺少一个表达自我的社交平台。TikTok的出现更好滴满足了这一需求。与Instagram不同,TikTok支持多种印度语言。其忠实用户通常位于印度二线城镇或乡村:演唱宝莱坞情歌的牧羊人、与妻子在田间翩翩起舞的半盲男子……印度正式封禁TikTok之后,平台创作者和用户被现实残忍地唤醒。“接地气”的网红们无法像头部网红一样在主流社交媒体平台取得一席之地,也无法快速进行跨平台融合。India is another populous country where youngsters are attracted to TikTok. There are now more than 119 million active users in India.Lots of young people from villages in India made money off the TikTok. Their dreams were coming true when they made dance videos on TikTok. However, the reality is harsh, all this ended abruptly on June 29, when India's government banned TikTok and 58 other Chinese-owned apps, calling them a threat to India's security and sovereignty.On the TikTok, small-town Indians aspired to showcase their talents to get noticed, but this ban disappointed them a lot, as they are not as famous as other celebrities, who already had several loyal fans and could change to different channels easily.网红们可能是最直观的受波及的一类群体,除此以外,还有依附平台而生的网红产业上下游,从网红孵化平台MCN机构,到广告营销公司,再到品牌方,甚至短视频剪辑师,平面设计师,文案策划,市场运营等工作者,都受到了影响。无论如何,TikTok和网红们依然在夹缝中生存,纵使难,生活还在继续,容不得半点喘息。Influencers could probably be the most affected groups, however, the upstream and downstream industries of the influencers, including incubation as MCN institutions, advertising and marketing companies, and even short video editors, graphic designers, copywriters, and marketing cooperators will be affected. In short, TikTok and influencers are still living between the cracks. But if life is hard, the wheels of lives won't stop for anyone, and there is no spare time for breathing, only heading off.