“排球,不只是我们的工作,还是我们生命的全部。” ——《夺冠》 这部原定于2020年春节档上映的电影,在受疫情影响几度撤档后,终于要回归影院了。 在中国,女排受到的赞誉和钦佩无数。它不仅是一支能够为国争光的强队,更是延续了40年拼搏精神的象征。电影《夺冠》以2008年北京奥运会那场激烈的中美女排对垒为索引,带领观众走进中国女排奋斗的峥嵘岁月。 "Volleyball is not only our work, but also our whole lives," croons iconic Chinese actor Gong Li in the tear-jerking trailer for the new film "Leap", which is scheduled for release during the 2020 Spring Festival. Gong plays Chinese volleyball legend Lang Ping in this much-anticipated biopic directed by Peter Chan, and a teaser clip instantly went viral after it dropped this week. Rarely has a sports team in China elicited praise and admiration as effusively as the Chinese women's volleyball team. It has evoked strong emotions among Chinese people from all walks of life, regardless of their age, gender, or socio-economic backgrounds.
They went on to clinch gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, the 1984 Olympic Games, the 1985 FIVB Women's World Cup and the 1986 World Championship. For all their indisputable dominance on the global stage, the team still had to train under arduous conditions due to a lack of financial support at the time. Despite all the challenges facing the squad, they did not complain, but instead chose to move on. Their incredible title-winning run galvanized the whole nation, which admired their remarkable resilience, dedication and unyielding spirit. 站在2020年回望,1981年注定不同。 对于中国女排来说,那是转折的一年。艰难取胜日本队后,中国女排首次折桂,捧得世界冠军的奖杯。随后更在强队林立,对冠军虎视眈眈的艰难环境下,克服种种实际困难,接连夺冠。 短短6年时间,中国女排所向披靡,从世锦赛到奥运会一路高歌猛进,创造出世界女排史上前所未有的 “五连冠”战绩。 这就是中国女排精神。 彼时,改革开放初期的中国一切待兴,无论经济还是体育,都充满挑战,也因此,中国女排的胜利具有特殊的意义。这股不懈奋斗、永不言输的拼搏精神,激励了无数国人奋起直追,让中国经济迅速腾飞。 If there is one group of heroines that can transcend generations in China's sporting history, it's the Chinese female volleyball team. In 1981, the team beat Japan 3-2 and won the FIVB Women's World Cup for the first time in history. The victory tremendously boosted Chinese people's patriotism and morale in an age when the country's might was hardly recognized in the world. 这几场战役的胜利,都有郎平的身影。 然而,在赢得无限荣耀的时候,她却毅然决定卸下战袍,只身前往美国学习生活。她说:“我必须把自己看成一无所有,一步一步地开辟一条新路。” 而当女排陷入低谷之际,一句“祖国真的需要你”,就让她义无反顾地回国执教,扛起振兴女排的大旗。 这,也是中国女排精神。 从运动员到教练,郎平为中国拿下7次世界冠军。这位名副其实的“铁榔头”,已经成为中国女排一个不可或缺的符号。 作为中国女排40多年跌宕起伏的亲历者,郎平认为,“女排精神不是赢得冠军,而是有时候知道不会赢,也竭尽全力。是你一路虽走得摇摇晃晃,但站起来抖抖身上的尘土,依旧眼中坚定。人生不是一定会赢,而是要努力去赢。” 在她的执掌下,中国女排逐渐找回状态,从此势不可挡。自 2015年世界杯重回世界之巅后,中国女排稳居世界第一,2019年女排世界杯更取得11场全胜的佳绩。 如今,中国女排已领先美国和巴西等强队,在国际排球联合会位居榜首,但郎平仍会告诫队员们,走下领奖台,就意味着从零开始,“专心走自己的路,始终向前看。” 中国女排的故事还在继续,中国女排永远熠熠生辉。 Nicknamed the "Iron Hammer" during her playing days, Lang Ping is considered one of China's greatest sporting figures. Lang captained the Chinese women's volleyball team that won the gold medal at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, and then as a coach, led Team China to victory at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. The 25-year-old ace spiker has already become a household name in China through her outstanding leading role in winning the finals at the Rio Olympics, the 2019 World Cup in Osaka as well as her three glittering years at the Turkish club Vakifbank in Istanbul. Newer Chinese women's volleyball teams have echoed the success stories enjoyed by teams before them. But, what's different now is that China has become known as a sporting power. For observers, if the world titles won in the 1980s showed the world that China had what it took to become a sports power, achievements earned in the new era are a symbol of China's continued progress and unstoppable preeminence in sport.