10月19日,斯洛文尼亚政府10月19日宣布,由于疫情反弹将加强防控措施,包括实施宵禁。The Slovenian government announced that due to the rebound of the epidemic, it will strengthen prevention and control measures, including imposing a curfew, October 19, 2020. /Xin Hua10月20日,一名“医疗小丑”在以色列中部城市拉马特甘一家医疗中心比出心形手势,帮助患者暂时忘却孤独和痛苦。A "medical clown" made a heart-shaped gesture at a medical center in Ramat Gan in central Israel to help patients temporarily forget their loneliness and pain, October 20, 2020. /Xin Hua
10月21日,比利时梵高沉浸式画展美轮美奂,令参观者沉浸在梵高的艺术世界中。Van Gogh's immersive painting exhibition was on display in Antwerp, Belgium's second-largest city on October 21, immersing visitors in the art world of Van Gogh. /CFP
10月22日,2020年美国大选最后一场总统候选人辩论如期进行。The last presidential candidate debate in the 2020 U.S. general election proceeded as scheduled, October 22, 2020. /CFPThe Orionid meteor shower appeared in the Italian night sky, October 23, 2020. /CFP
10月24日,日本东京的地标建筑晴空塔依次点亮17种不同颜色的灯光,象征联合国17个可持续发展目标,并纪念联合国成立75周年。The landmark Tokyo Skytree in Japan lit up with 17 different colors of lights in turn, symbolizing the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals and commemorating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, October 24, 2020. /Xin Hua10月25日,三星会长李健熙当日在首尔三星医院去世,终年78岁。Lee Kun-hee, the charismatic leader of Samsung Group, South Korea's biggest conglomerate, died at the age of 78 on Sunday. /CFP10月19日,“霜降”节气将至,江苏淮安荷叶开始枯萎,呈现绚丽色彩。The Chinese solar term Frost's Descent is approaching, and lotuses in Huaian, Jiangsu Province, have begun to wither, exhibiting a gorgeous color, October 19, 2020. /CFP
10月20日,广州塔亮灯庆祝广州荣获全国双拥模范城“九连冠”。Guangzhou Tower lights up to celebrate Guangzhou's ninth consecutive title of National Double Support Model City, October 20, 2020. /CFP10月21日,湖南省跃进水库景色美如画,完美诠释了“碧水青山”。
The picturesque scenery of Yuejin Reservoir in Hunan Province perfectly interprets "clear water and green mountains," October 21, 2020. /CFP
The first Cross-Strait Image Culture Week was launched in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, October 22, 2020. /CFP10月23日,纪念中国人民志愿军抗美援朝出国作战70周年大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行,致敬最可爱的人。
China held a meeting on October 23 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) army entering the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. /Xin Hua
10月24日,第九届WCCF中国纯种猫品鉴赛在辽宁工业展览馆举办,百余只纯种猫亮相参赛。The 9th WCCF China Purebred Cat Certification Competition was held on October 24 in the Liaoning Industrial Exhibition Hall. More than 100 purebred cats appeared in the competition. /CFP10月25日重阳节,南京市民登上城墙欣赏秋色、祈愿健康。Residents of Nanjing climb the city wall to admire the autumn scenery and pray for good health during the Double Ninth Festival, October 25, 2020. /CFP