
评论 | 中美关系需要加强透明性连续性和执行力

CGTN 2021-03-18

编者按:2020年美国总统大选是人生难得几回见的大事,确实值得关注。美国民众和政治家们正在疲于应对国际冲突、国内危机、政治分歧和骚乱。美国及其外交关系、当今的国际体系全都处在十字路口。美国将面临哪些考验?经历了这些考验之后,未来又会是怎样的呢?CGTN邀请来自美国智库和大学的学者对此次大选进行剖析,分享他们对大选各方面的看法。本篇是《美国大选解析》系列的第六部分,柯伟林评价中国的崛起、中国在国际社会中的地位以及中美关系的前景。柯伟林是哈佛大学商学院史宾格勒家族工商管理学教授和哈佛大学T. M. Chang中国研究讲席教授。他也是哈佛大学中国基金会主席和哈佛大学上海中心的学院主席。本篇仅代表专家观点,不代表本台观点。

Editor's note: The 2020 U.S. presidential election is a once-in-a-lifetime event to watch. The American public and politicians are drowning in international conflicts, domestic crises, political divide and civil unrest. The U.S. and its relationship with other countries and the international system today stand at a crossroads. What's in store for us? What will the future look like after this crucible? CGTN is inviting scholars from U.S. think tanks and universities to break down the election and share their views on its various aspects. This is part six of the series, with William C. Kirby commenting on China's rise, its place in the international system and the future of China-U.S. relationship. He is Spangler family professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. Professor Kirby serves as chairman of the Harvard China Fund, the university's academic venture fund for China, and faculty chair of the Harvard Center Shanghai, Harvard's first university-wide center located outside the United States. The opinions expressed here are his own, and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

有人说 "中国逆袭"对美国而言既是挑战也是机遇。你认为都有哪些挑战和机遇? 

Adriel Kasonta: It is said that the U.S. faces both challenges and opportunities from a "resurgent China." In your opinion, what are these challenges and opportunities?

关于"中国逆袭"对美国而言既是挑战也是机遇的这种说法,我认为“逆袭”一词略显不妥。我认为应该说是“中华复兴”。在18世纪至19世纪,中华文明曾是世界上最强大、最富有和最先进的文明之一 。从历史角度来看,如今中国在世界上的地位也是理所应当的。对于像美国这样的大国来说,挑战在于如何与中国这个全球创业中心、贸易中心和军事强国交往。

William C. Kirby: In my opinion, on the question of the Americans facing the challenges and opportunities of a "resurgent China," "resurgent" isn't a word that I would use, I would say a revived China, a China that at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century was among the more powerful, wealthy and sophisticated civilizations on earth. Today, it's taking a rather natural, in historical terms, position in the world. And a challenge for other powers, such as the United States, is how to interact with a place that is a center of entrepreneurialism, a center of global trade, and also a growing military presence.


If you look at the history of China-U.S. relations going back to the late 18th and early 19th century, they were rooted primarily in trade and exchange. The strategic nature of the Chinese-American relationship really became apparent in a large way only in World War II when we fought as allies against the Japanese empire in East Asia. Since then, we have fought sadly and tragically against each other in Korea – a lesson that ought to be a sobering one for the leaders of both countries, because it was extraordinarily costly to both countries.


And since the late 1970s, we have both prosper very significantly for the longest period of peace in East Asia since the Opium War. And it is the maintenance of that peace which is the greatest and most important challenge for both China and the United States. Because anything that endangers that peace easily, the first and foremost, endangers prosperity that China has enjoyed in large part as a result of that peace, but endangers the rest of East Asia and the global economy at the same time.

有人说19世纪由英国人主导 、20世纪由美国人主导,那中国是否会主导21世纪呢?

Kasonta: It is said that the 19th century was dominated by the British and 20th century by the Americans. Is it true that the 21st century will be dominated by the Chinese?


Kirby: I wouldn't use the word "dominate," because if you're dominating, you are actually losing. If you're leading, and you're leading in a way that others can follow, then arguably you are winning. You want to be a place whose values are shared willingly by others. That was certainly true at the height of the greatest Chinese empires where the values coming from China spread to Korea, Japan, Vietnam and beyond willingly, not by imposition. China then, Chinese civilization at least, had very significant soft power.


I think the greatest challenge for China is to set out standards that they're not just absolutely the best in the world, certainly you can do that in matters technological and otherwise, but in terms of governance, in terms of principles of civilization that others will willingly follow.


Right now, there's a lot of talk of a "China model," but there is almost no articulation of what that model is. In Chinese, people say that it's socialism with Chinese characteristics – zhongguo tese shehuizhuyi. What that tese means that it's just for China. It's not for anybody else, and it's not seeking to export that model. When we say at the end of our book "Can China Lead?": Will the 21st century, or can the 21st century, be the Chinese century? Our answer is: Yes, of course it can be the Chinese century, but not alone. One can lead in partnership, one can lead in example, and one can lead by setting out standards that others quite happily adopt for themselves. That's a huge challenge for any country, and it's a huge challenge for contemporary China.


Kasonta: What's your advice for managing the China-U.S. relationship?


Kirby: I think the advice not just that I would give, but people who would be much better positioned than I, would be clarity and honesty in communication; setting out areas and trying to strengthen areas of our mutual interests and our shared interests. The United States and China, for example, at least on one critical strategic issue – the Iranian Nuclear Deal – we are on one page, and should have been on one page, but the Americans undid that.


So, to be clear, to be predictable, to begin some confidence building measures – for example, to reopen that consulate in Houston, which in my view was closed for no particularly strong reason, there are many other ways of dealing with the issues that were reported regarding that consulate – and to try to achieve some stable relations and predictable relations, to continue to support economic and cultural exchange, and to be strong in disagreement where the two countries will disagree.


There are issues, at least American and European perspective, of human rights. Issues regarding Tibet and Xinjiang are not going to go away. So, one can imagine continuing discussion and difficulties over a number of issues, at the same time by trying to build stronger relations on those things that matter most to the both countries, for their economies and their securities, and that matter also to the rest of the world. There are many, many other issues, but clarity, continuity, competence – that's what's needed.




