孙岭峰,曾经的中国国家棒球队队长,曾经的中国棒球联赛最具价值球员,如今,正带领着67名来自山区的“事实孤儿”,向世界级棒球运动员发起冲刺! 5年前,孙岭峰和几位好友创办了“棒球天使救助”公益项目,他们前往各个贫困地区进行考察和家访,选择符合条件的“事实孤儿”带回基地培养,培养目标是:世界级的专业棒球运动员! 现如今,“强棒天使棒球基地”共有67个年龄在7到11岁的孩子,免费接受棒球训练和文化课教育。 基地自成立以来,邀请了中国资深青少年棒球教练张锦新,前中国、美国国家队主教练吉姆•拉斐尔作为荣誉顾问。还邀请了十位前中国国家棒球队队员成立精英教练团队,保证青少年培训的水平以及专业性。 Since 2016, Sun Lingfeng has been running a baseball camp on the outskirts of Beijing for orphans and underprivileged kids. The former national player takes them in from areas around the country and trains them free of charge. And his award-winning team has gained popularity, not only in China but also abroad. Since Sun launched the program, it's so far enrolled 67 boys and girls, from the ages 7 to 11, and children at the Beijing Qiangbang Angel baseball camp get ready to train every afternoon. 截图自孙岭峰个人微博 可问题是,想要培养出一支精英青少年棒球队,为什么不在城里的孩子中寻找好苗子,而找山区的孩子呢? 孙岭峰的回答是,“因为他们更加需要我。”他在接受采访时表示,城里的孩子有很多机会,但是山里的孩子没有,他们更需要一个平台。 山里的孩子真的可以成为优秀的专业运动员吗? 孙岭峰表示,想要在棒球领域取得成绩,并不需要突出的天赋。 他说,自己曾经就是一个“普通得不能再普通的人”,在身高、速度、力量上都并不优秀,是对胜利的强烈渴望以及日复一日超出常人的努力使他在棒球领域获得了成功。因此他相信,孩子们也可以。 事实证明,孙岭峰是对的,孩子们做到了! 强棒天使棒球基地成立一年多,孩子们就开始在国内外的赛场上崭露头角了,以下是他们的成绩单: 截图自人民网 2018年8月,“强棒天使队”作为亚太区的唯一一支代表队,受邀参加当年PONY世界大赛U11 Bronco组决赛阶段的角逐。这是中国棒球历史上首次直接获邀代表亚太区参加国际青少年棒球赛事,刷新了中国体育的历史。 出色的成绩使孩子们的信心得到了显著的提升。孙岭峰表示,他希望孩子们明白,他们可以用自己的实力赢得对手的尊重。他说,英雄不问出处是古人流传下来的智慧。输在起跑线,不代表不能赢在终点线。 截图自孙岭峰个人微博 凡事总是看起来容易做起来难。 起初,不少人都觉得孙岭峰是骗子,家长也不信有这种好事——既负责孩子食宿,还教孩子打球。甚至有人称孙岭峰培养孩子是为了赚钱和养老。然而,时间已经证明了一切。 多年来,孙岭峰和他的团队多次遭遇资金不足的危机,他自己更是卖掉了房子和车子,只为将基地做大做强。 通过不懈的努力,强棒得到了国内外多家媒体的关注和报道。以强棒旗下少年棒球队——强棒天使队为题材的纪录片电影《棒!少年》,先后荣获了第九届CNEX华人纪录片提案大会、IDFA论坛等4个国际纪录片电影节金奖。 当被问及“强棒天使”有何寓意时,孙岭峰说,强棒是一个棒球术语,而天使,则是希望孩子们能够成为真正的“战斗天使”! Sun used to be the Most Valuable Player of the Chinese Professional Baseball League, and he was captain of the national team for 15 years. He was the least gifted player in the beginning that his coach almost gave up on him, but he proved himself by training hard and not giving up, Sun said. "I usually tell these kids that I recruited them not because they come from poor families but for their potential to be a shining stars in the world of sports. I tell them that I need their help in proving this together." In July 2017, four of them were picked for a junior national team and won a gold medal at a tournament in Japan. Operating the camp came with challenges, but he received support from various sectors of society. Coaching a provincial baseball team after retiring from the national team for a few months, he soon realized who would really need his help. "Children who've unfortunately lost their parents long for love more than most normal people. I can feel their spiritual needs. So I made up my mind over 10 years ago that some day, if given the opportunity, I would help them stand on higher stages. I want to help them truly become valuable persons to society," he said. 推荐阅读:甜蜜生意经:红糖背后的“义乌故事” 电竞陪练:幸运当头,又站风口