“丁真一天上了六个微博热搜,好家伙,我直接好家伙”“没有困难的工作,只有勇敢的打工人。打工人,奥利给!”告别2019年的“柠檬精”、“雨女无瓜”、“我不要你觉得,我要我觉得”、“盘它”,“出口成梗”的网友们在2020年用上了“集美”、“凡尔赛”、“好家伙”、“打工人”……每年层出不穷的新词、流行语就像是一面镜子,从中可以窥见社会生活的真实面貌。12月4日,国家语言资源监测与研究中心发布了“2020年度十大网络用语”,上榜的网络用语有:逆行者、秋天的第一杯奶茶、直播带货、云监工、光盘行动、奥利给、好家伙、夺冠、不约而同、集美。逆行者 | "Heroes in harm's way"指反向行走的人,常用于称呼面对危难挺身而出的强者,如抗击新冠肺炎疫情中的最美“逆行者”。平凡人中涌现的无数“逆行者”,用生命守护生命,深刻诠释着新时代英雄精神的内涵。
The term is commonly used to praise courageous people who put their lives on the line in a time of crisis. This year, many Chinese people, like medical staff, researchers, community workers, volunteers, took part in the battle against COVID-19. They saved and protected lives around the clock despite the risk of infection and exhaustion from overwork. These people are hailed as "heroes in harm's way" by netizens and media outlets.
秋天的第一杯奶茶 | "The first cup of milk tea in autumn"指秋天来了,情侣、好友或家人之间以请喝奶茶之名发红包,表达亲密之情,金额多为52.0元 (谐音“我爱你”)。During this year's Autumn Equinox, the idea of buying hot cups of milk tea for loved ones with the arrival of cold weather became popular among the youth. On China’s social media site Weibo, the hashtag #TheFirstCupOfMilkTea in autumn started trending while many netizens posted screenshots of their chats with friends or family members containing money transfer records. The amount of money was 52 yuan, as the numbers have a similar pronunciation to the phrase "I love you" in Chinese.直播带货 | "E-commerce livestreaming/livestreaming-driven sales"指明星、网红、互联网营销师等通过视频直播等途径对商品进行推销。各行各业人员加入直播带货行列,助力地方经济发展。E-commerce livestreaming is a kind of marketing method combining online shopping with livestreaming. The livestream, which takes place on e-commerce platforms, often involves an influencer (also known as KOL, Key Opinion Leader) or a well-known star, demonstrating products and responding to customers' questions. E-commerce livestreaming went viral in 2020 as lockdown restrictions made it a popular way of shopping. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, in the first half of 2020, more than 10 million e-commerce livestreaming sessions were hosted online in China, which means at least 50,000 livestreaming sessions per day.
云监工 | "Online supervisor"原指抗击新冠肺炎疫情期间,数千万网友在线观看武汉火神山、雷神山医院建设现场24小时直播,主动充当“云监工”。现泛指通过网络远程监督某件事的进展。In January, tens of millions of netizens watched the construction of two temporary hospitals in Wuhan – Huoshenshan and Leishenshan – via a round-the-clock livestream broadcast by China Media Group's social media video platform Yangshipin. Dubbing themselves "online supervisors," netizens closely monitored the building process and even gave nicknames to certain engineering machinery at the construction site. The term “online supervisor” also refers to people who play a supervisory role online. 光盘行动 | "Clear Your Plate Campaign"“光盘”是指将盘子里的东西吃光。“光盘行动”旨在让人们培养节约习惯,养成珍惜粮食、反对浪费的习惯。对“舌尖上的浪费”说不,居安思危,牢记“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”。It is estimated that consumers in Chinese cities wasted 17 to 18 million tonnes of food in 2015 – enough to feed 30 million to 50 million people for a year, according to an investigation conducted by the Institute of Geographic and National Resources Research and the World Wide Fund for Nature. Figures from People's Daily also showed that annual food loss and waste could reach 35 million tonnes – roughly six percent of China's annual grain output. In August, a nationwide "Clear Your Plate Campaign" was launched to curb food waste and promote thrift. 该词是“给力噢”的倒读,因网络主播的使用而流行。作为感叹词,包含赞美、加油打气等多种感情色彩,被网友配以夸张、魔性的表情和音调广泛使用。The catchword has something to do with a Chinese Internet buzzword "geili" in 2010, which means "cool," "awesome", or "exciting." The word "aoligei" is coined by reading the word "geiliao" in reverse, and it means to "cheer up" or "come on." The word was first used by a user on Kuaishou, China's popular video-sharing platform. The user always delivered inspirational sayings like "we must not fear whatever we encounter!" or "perseverance leads to victory," and yelled "aoligei" at the end of his livestreams or videos to encourage followers. The user was later dubbed as "Uncle Aoligei" and the word "aoligei" went viral after relevant memes and auto-tune remix videos created by netizens flooded social media sites.最早是相声中常见的语气词,表示感叹之意。后来网友在吐槽某事或对某事感到惊讶时,通常会加上“好家伙”加强语气。The buzzword "haojiahuo" is frequently heard in cross-talks or stand-up comic performances. It is used to express shock or awe of something, or used derogatorily on something undesirable. 夺冠 | "Win the championship"该词因同名电影《夺冠》而流行,电影展示了中国几代女排人不服输的劲头。这种默默付出、顽强到底的“女排精神”,成为“中国精神”的一个缩影。The term is the literal translation version of the title of "Leap," a Chinese biographical sports film that gained popularity. Directed by renowned filmmaker Peter Ho-sun Chan and starring Gong Li as legendary volleyball coach Lang Ping, the film shines a spotlight on the Chinese women's national volleyball team, one of the leading and most successful squads in women's international volleyball, depicting their endeavors over generations to win glory for the country.源于网络上的一个称呼。某网络主播在直播时经常将“姐妹”发音成“集美”,显得亲近可爱,于是网友纷纷效仿,以此称呼自己的好姐妹。The word originated from a livestream session early this year, in which an influencer on Kuaishou wrongly pronounced the Chinese word "jiě mèi"(meaning "sister" in English) as "jí měi" with her heavy Hebei accent. The term "jimei" instantly entered the internet lexicon as a casual way to call friends or strangers online.
原指没有事先商量而彼此见解或行动一致。因新冠肺炎疫情,该词有了新含义:不约会、不聚集已经成了大家共同遵守的规则。The Chinese idiom "bù yuē ér tóng," which can be translated to something that happens coincidentally in English means taking the same action or view without prior consultation. In this year, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed people's daily life, and social activity, so has the meaning of the idiom. Since the "bù yuē" means "no gathering or appointment" in Chinese and "tóng" refers to "consensus", the idiom currently also means "people reaching a consensus to cancel dates and gatherings to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus."