被封号后,不甘示弱的特朗普随后在美国总统官方推特账号(@POTUS)发表声明予以回击,指责推特的删号行为是“和民主党以及极左派串通一气”,并威胁将整治推特,称很快就有“重大宣告”。他还表示,会考虑“在不久的将来建立我们自己的平台!” 不过,声明很快就被推特平台删除了... Twitter on Friday banned President Trump from its site, a punishment for his role in inciting violence at the U.S. Capitol this week, robbing him of the megaphone he used to communicate directly with more than 88 million supporters and critics. The move amounted to a historic rebuke for a president who had used the social-networking site to fuel his rise to political prominence. Twitter has been Trump’s primary communication tool to push policies, drive news cycles, fire officials, dispense falsehoods, savage opponents and praise allies. A defiant Trump lashed out in response late Friday, accusing Twitter in a statement of having “coordinated with the Democrats and the Radical Left” to remove his account. He threatened regulation, promising a “big announcement” to come, and said he is looking “at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future!” The official account for the presidency, @POTUS, tweeted that message, although the posts were quickly taken down by Twitter. 或许没有任何一个国家领导人像美国总统唐纳德·特朗普这样热衷于使用推特。 至于其中原由,特朗普曾解释道:“如果不使用社交媒体,我无法把想法传达出去。” No leader has used Twitter like U.S. President Donald Trump. In response to criticism of his 280-character habit, Trump once tweeted “my use of social media is not Presidential - it’s MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL. Make America Great Again.” 作为推特上热度最高的国家元首,特朗普平均每天要发10条推文来表达所思所想。 据美媒报道,特朗普在去年6月5日单日发布了200条推特,平均7分12秒发一条,其中37条为原创文,剩下的为转发和引用。 这位靠地产和大众传媒起家的商业大佬极擅长政治营销,懂得如何顺势操纵基层民众的心理动态。 不过,“网红”特朗普近来网上冲浪时却屡遭滑铁卢。 非裔男子乔治·弗洛伊德死亡事件后,特朗普多次发表争议性推文。于是推特官方不得不给特朗普的部分推文内容打上了“不实消息”和“美化暴力”的标签,避免其社交言论误导民众。 Last May, Twitter made the step to put warning labels on Trump's tweets about George Floyd protests for “glorifying violence”. 在总统竞选期间,给特朗普推文打标签更是成为了推特平台的日常... 有媒体报道,自选举日开始,24天内,特朗普的帖子被推特总计打上了200个标签,提示这些内容真实性存疑、具有误导性,或是存有争议。 也就是说,从去年11月3号投票结束开始,特朗普30%的推文都被打上了标签。最早的一条是在11月4号凌晨,特朗普发文称“民主党想要盗取选举结果。” In the 24 days since Election Day, Twitter has added warnings labels to 200 of President Trump’s tweets or posts he has retweeted (and counting) indicating that they contain false, disputed or misleading info. Overall since polls closed on November 3, about 30% of Trump’s posts on Twitter have been flagged by Twitter as containing or potentially including misinformation, according to a Variety analysis. That goes back to Trump’s claim in the wee hours of November 4 asserting without any evidence that Democrats were trying to “STEAL” the election. 除了被标记,特朗普还多次在众目睽睽之下被删帖文。 去年8月,特朗普发布的一段视频,因其内容含有关于新冠病毒的错误信息,违反了新冠肺炎疫情相关信息发布规定,被推特删除。 被删内容是一段特朗普在8月5日上午接受福克斯新闻采访的视频,他在采访中老调重弹,主张校园重新开放,并给出了“儿童对新冠病毒几乎免疫”这一错误信息。 Last August, Twitter released an announcement saying that it had restricted President Donald Trump's campaign from tweeting for its false claims about the coronavirus in a post, which contains a video clip of an interview the president gave to Fox News previously. Trump claimed in the video that children are being almost immune to the virus. 推特如此“正面刚”,特朗普自然不会笑笑作罢。 推特首次标记特朗普帖文之后,他立即签署了行政命令,要求制裁社交媒体的审查行为,导致推特股价一度下跌。 President Trump signed an executive order last May, aimed at limiting the broad legal protections enjoyed by social media companies, days after he tore into Twitter for fact-checking two of his tweets. 威胁归威胁,推特也不是什么软柿子。 去年11月21号,推特和脸书公司同时宣布,美国总统的官方推特及脸书账号(@POTUS)将在2021年1月20日总统就职日当天转交给拜登——无论现任总统特朗普是否承认败选。 这些账户上现有的所有推文都将被存档,随后被清零,再转移给拜登团队。 Twitter Inc. and Facebook Inc. will transfer control of the @POTUS account to the Joe Biden administration on January 20, the social media companies announced last December, even if President Donald Trump doesn't concede. 到这里,推特和特朗普的恩怨情仇本该告一段落了,谁能想特朗普的支持者竟然攻占了国会大厦… 来梳理一下这几天推特对特朗普的动作: