Scientists from the World Health Organization (WHO) recently took to Twitter to refute claims in a New York Times article that Chinese scientists refused to hand over important data during their trip to China to study the origin of the COVID-19 virus.
“It was my take on the entire mission that it was highly geopolitical,” Dr. Fischer said. “Everybody knows how much pressure there is on China to be open to an investigation and also how much blame there might be associated with this.”
Peter Daszak, a member of the W.H.O. team and the president of EcoHealth Alliance in New York, said the trip was emotionally draining, as he and the team came to terms with the trauma of the early days of the pandemic.
世界卫生组织病原体顾问、美国非营利组织生态健康联盟(EcoHealth Alliance)主席彼得·达扎克(Peter Daszak)发布推文表示:“这不是我在世界卫生组织的任务中得到的经验,作为动物和环境工作组的负责人,我感到中国同行们坦率并值得信任。我们(在调查中)得到了重要的新数据,我们也了解了更多关于病毒传播途径的信息。”
紧随其后发声的是世界卫生组织麻疹、风疹、流感和小儿麻痹症参考实验室负责人、公共卫生专家西娅·菲舍尔(Thea K Fischer)。
World Health Organization experts with their counterparts from China at a news conference on the origins of the coronavirus pandemic in Wuhan, Feb 9, 2021. /VCG
世卫组织专家组组长彼得·本·安巴雷克(Peter Ben Embarek)表示,此次国际专家组中国之行在很多方面取得了成功,对疫情暴发时的情况有了更好的了解,包括病毒传播情况、病毒基因测序和野生动物溯源等领域。安巴雷克强调,“新冠病毒没有被实验室蓄意使用”,“疫情暴发之前没人见过这种病毒”。
Peter Ben Embarek, head of the WHO mission, said the international team's visit to China has been "successful in many ways," with a lot of new knowledge made about the start of the event and understandings deepened in the fields including the spread of the virus, virus genome sequencing and wildlife tracing.
He reiterated that none of the labs in Wuhan had the virus, and no one had seen the virus before the outbreak.
世卫组织专家组成员马里恩·库普曼斯(Marion Koopmans)则表示,专家组已对三万多种不同种类和不同地点的动物进行了检测和筛查,没有发现其中有新冠病毒的潜在宿主,目前还没有确定中间宿主,但这些溯源工作为下一步研究提供了线索。
Marion Koopmans, who's also in the international panel to China, added that more than 30,000 animals of different species and from different locations have been tested and screened, and no potential reservoir has been found among them with all results negative.
"There was not a clear candidate for intermediate host yet," said Koopmans, but the traceback process "does provide some leads for the next steps in the studies."
A summary report of the mission's findings could emerge as early as next week, followed by a final report "in the coming weeks," said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
The WHO chief pointed out again that this mission would not find all the answers, but it has provided important information that "takes people closer to understanding the origins of the virus."