
阿联酋大使看百年 | 扎希里:患难见真情 中阿携手抗疫

CGTN CGTN 2021-09-26

China and Arab countries have been quite ably helping one another during the pandemic, setting a good example of international cooperation in times of need. Among them, the United Arab Emirates is the first country outside China to carry out a Chinese vaccine’s phase III clinical trial and the first foreign country to roll out the vaccine in emergency use. CGTN host Tian Wei interviewed Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri, the ambassador of the UAE to China, who said the two countries actually have a lot in common.


“To witness a great achievement is, in fact, extraordinary. And of course a lot of time, it reminds me of my own country. Everybody looks at UAE as it is one of the most advanced and the most modern country in our part of the world. But it didn't come overnight. It didn't come without a lot of determination and challenges. My country, before the discovery of oil, is just a very humble country where we don't have medical care and no schools. Not myself, but my father, for example, had been going through this. And looking at what China has been going through, I can see what it means for my fellow Chinese to have such a celebration,” said Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri.

“能够见证(中国取得的)伟大的成就,本身就非同寻常。很多时候,(中国发展带来的巨变)让我想起自己的国家。现在很多人都把阿联酋视为中东地区最先进、最现代化的国家之一,但阿联酋的成就不是一蹴而就的。我们也下了很大的决心,战胜了很多的困难。我们国家在发现石油之前,并不惹人注目。当时既没有医疗系统,也没有学校。我自己没有经历过那个阶段,那是我父辈的遭遇。看到中国的巨变,我能理解这样的庆典对中国朋友意味着什么,” 扎希里说。

He added, “I started in late 2017. In the year 2018, I witnessed a historical state visit of President Xi Jinping to the UAE. That visit has created a major step in terms of bilateral relationships by achieving comprehensive partnerships between both countries. The following year, another state visit by our Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed who has taken an upgrading of that comprehensive partnership between both countries into a higher level.”


“The pandemic has been a world challenge. A good bilateral relationship keeps changing and keeps adjusting and being flexible according to the situations. At the early stage, when China had been impacted by the pandemic, UAE did not standstill. There have been four phone calls and communication with the leadership expressing solidarity. Our landmarks in the UAE have been addressed by the Chinese flag and putting phrases of ‘Wuhan Jiayou’, and many signs, expression of solidarity.”


“And then the relationship has developed further. The pandemic started spreading around. So in that sense is where China stepped in to provide their support. UAE is the first country to take this vaccine on trial in the UAE internationally. UAE is the first country to roll out the vaccine in emergency use and the first country to roll it out to the public. The vaccine is built again based on trust, based on confidence, on the medical care and the technology of China. ”



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