

CGTN CGTN 2021-10-06
Boycotting the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is pointless. 

This isn’t coming from me. It’s from the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee. Its spokesperson said “we oppose Games boycotts because they have been shown to negatively impact athletes while not effectively addressing global issues.”

One of the arch-boycotters, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi herself even acknowledged the impracticality of it.

“We cannot proceed as if nothing is wrong about the Olympics going to China. That maybe a fait accompli, it may not be possible to stop that,” Pelosi said.

But people are still doing it relentlessly. We are about 200 days out from the Games and the coverage so far has been about the U.S. and EU passing bills to boycott it or the UK government officials and royals are called not to attend.

These actions, the constant hounding of this message knowing that it might not bring about meaningful change, took me back to my school years. I was taught at a political science course that a critical aspect of propaganda is churning out massive amount of content simply to fill the space. If there are enough said on an issue, there wouldn’t be room to fit in anything else.

And that’s the point of this pointless exercise.

What does the Olympics do other than the sports? It showcases a country’s strength.

This one is said to be the most technology-driven ever. It’s likely the first time that 5G tech would be applied on a large scale at a major international sports event. Smart robots will be used to transfer documents, office supplies or sports gears.

These strengthen China’s image. Calling for boycott is the cheapest way – in all sense of the word – to undermine it. It’s a PR campaign, really. They try to make people believe in the rhetoric by repeating it enough times and trying to make them the only voice on the issue. Claim monopoly on the discourse.

But unfortunately for them, that’s about the only thing they can do. Like Pelosi said, it’s not possible to prevent China from holding the Games. Sanctions? China would just sanction right back at them. Also, 60 percent of European companies and two-thirds of American ones want to step-up their investments in China this year.

That’s why you are seeing the executives of these countries – presidents, prime ministers – have been very careful on this boycotting drama. The White House said it's not discussing it. Boris Johnson made it clear that he is “instinctively and always have been against sporting boycotts.” Greece’s Prime Minister even accepted the invitation to attend.

These people are the ones ultimately responsible for their countries’ relationship with China. Other politicians can freely capitalize on a sporting event for their own national ambitions, they can’t. They have to weigh the pros and cons.

Antagonizing China that gets them no results versus not going with the flow to sustain the relationship? It’s not a hard choice. 

The boycotts are nothing but white noise. It’s pointless, ineffective and self-damaging. All it can do is to annoy people. And no one likes that. Everyone turns it off after listening to it long enough. 


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