A view of Kabul city, the capital of Afghanistan, August 18, 2021. /CGTN
Editor's Note: The following is a reporter's account of the situation in Kabul shortly after the Taliban confirmed that its forces had surrounded the capital on all fronts and the day after the armed group entered the city. For the next two days, there was an ensuing calm after residents slowly came to terms with what is to become the "new normal." However, there was a palpable change in how people, especially women, moved about in a period shrouded with uncertainty.
Let me start from the first day, the fifteenth of August.那是一个不太寻常的早晨,我在上班路上看到了许多匆匆离开喀布尔的外交使节,许多平民也在想尽办法接近交通枢纽,导致通往机场的道路一度拥堵不堪。我当时心里想“一定是有什么大事发生了”,但我并没有停下上班的脚步,径直来到了办公室里。That morning was a bit different. When I was on the way to the office, I saw convoys of foreign diplomats - they were leaving Kabul very quickly and there was traffic congestion. The roads that lead to the airport were packed. I saw massive crowds of people trying to reach the airport. And I was thinking "OK, something, something is happening." But still I continued my journey to the office.在办公室里待了两个半小时后,我接到通知,要求我们尽快撤离。当我走出办公室,发现人们都走上街头,急不可耐,四处奔逃。他们亟需前往最安全的地方。I was in the office for two and a half hours. After that, we were told to leave as soon as possible. When I was out in this city, I saw the people were all out, rushing and running. They were in a hurry to find the safest place possible.当时大家的主要顾虑是担心塔利班卷土重来,害怕市区里出现暴力事件。The major concern was that the Taliban is coming back and whether violence will erupt in the city.
这所城市已经被想要逃离这个国家的人堵得水泄不通,如果这时候枪声响起,后果将不堪设想。除了对流血事件的担忧,人们还在思考:未来到底何去何从?The city was already packed with a massive number of people trying to flee the country. If the violence arrives, the destruction would also be massive. That was the main concern of the people. And also they were thinking: What will the future bring for them?当晚,塔利班进入城区,人们依然在观望,不知道接下来将发生什么。当晚过后,迎接人们的是不同于往日的黎明。During that night, the Taliban entered the city and people were still waiting to see what happens next. And then when the night passed, the first morning was very much different than other mornings.次日清晨,我还能进入主城区,在城里已经看到了许多塔利班的士兵。这是一群武装到了牙齿的人,他们设立关卡,保护政府财产。In the early morning, I was able to travel to the major part of the city. I saw the Taliban in the city. They were guarding government entities and also they imposed checkpoints. They were weaponized to the teeth.
And the sight of Taliban on Kabul's streets was like a movie for me: How it is possible that within two weeks everything has gone back; the army, the police, the Afghan government, the government structure, everything. From the streets, I am able to observe the situation.从8月16日到17日,我多次来到城市的主要地段,发现街上女性的数量少了很多,她们的服饰也变得更加保守。在塔利班占领后第二和第三天,人们逐渐走出家门,似乎一切都回到了往常,但是恐惧和忧虑却依旧挥之不去。During August 16-17, I traveled around a lot. I saw fewer women. They were covered up more. And also the second and third days after the Taliban takeover, the people were slowly getting out of their homes. And it seems that life is getting back to normal. But still the fear and concern are there.现在主要的担忧是:塔利班会怎样对待国民?新的政府会如何运作?现在阿富汗处于权力的真空期,对这些问题我也无法回答。希望在不远的将来,所有的问题都能找到答案。The main concern is how the Taliban will treat the people and how the government will run. Now we don't have any answers to questions like those. It is a vacuum of power now. These are among the many questions that we hope in the future, hopefully in the very near future, we can find answers for.