#1# 多州被龙卷风侵袭 据报道,美国中部多个州遭到了龙卷风的袭击,包括阿肯色州、密西西比州、伊利诺伊州、肯塔基州、田纳西州和密苏里州。 肯塔基州州长安迪•贝希尔在11日的新闻发布会上表示,此次龙卷风是该州历史上“最严重、最具摧毁性、最致命的龙卷风”。目前至少有70人死亡。 贝希尔认为,肯塔基州最终的死亡人数将超过100人。目前,该州已宣布进入紧急状态。 此次龙卷风袭击,还造成阿肯色州一家养老院2人死亡,20多人受伤,另有一杂货铺被严重破坏,造成1人死亡。伊利诺伊州一个亚马逊仓库大面积坍塌,已确认6人死亡。田纳西州和密苏里州,分别至少有3人和2人死亡。 The death toll from powerful tornadoes that devastated parts of the United States overnight rose to more than 80 on Saturday. The Storm Prediction Center of the U.S. National Weather Service said it received 36 reports of tornadoes touching down in Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas and Mississippi. More than 70 people are believed to have been killed in Kentucky alone, many of them workers at a candle factory. #2# “这可能是美国历史上最大的龙卷风之一。” 美国总统拜登11日表示,这可能是美国历史上最大的龙卷风之一。 “这是一场悲剧。我们目前仍不知道还有多少人丧生,也不知道究竟造成了多大的损失,”拜登说道。他还表示,联邦政府将尽一切所能提供援助。 据美国电力跟踪网站数据,此次龙卷风袭击造成其中4个州33万多用户断电。美国国家气象局在10日发布龙卷风预警时表示,预计至少有2500万人口将会受到此次龙卷风袭击的影响。 U.S. President Joe Biden said that this was likely to be "one of the largest" tornado outbreaks in American history. "It’s a tragedy. And we still don’t know how many lives were lost or the full extent of the damage," he added. #3# 此次致命龙卷风与气候变化有关吗? 当地时间11日,记者提问美国总统拜登:“您认为此次龙卷风及其强烈程度与气候变化有关吗?” 对此,拜登回答说,目前还不能断定全球变暖对此次龙卷风的产生有什么具体影响,并表示将要求环境保护署和其他机构去调查。 “事实是,我们都知道,当气候变暖时,一切都将变得更为严峻。”拜登补充道。 When asked whether these storms were related to climate change, Biden said that he couldn't say the specific impact, but that he would ask the EPA and others to investigate. "But the fact is that we all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming——everything," he said.