2022年北京冬奥会到来之际,中央广播电视总台CGTN与中国国际电视总公司联合出品的国际合作传播融媒体节目《冰雪缘梦》(英文名《ONE DREAM》),2022年1月22日在CGTN《环球纪实》栏目和纪录国际频道同步开播,六位来自中国和加拿大的冰雪项目青少年运动员们聚在一起,向未来起跑,追寻心目中梦想的荣耀,奔赴一场与未来共舞的“冰雪梦”。该片还将于今年春节期间,在加拿大国家广播公司(CBC)电视台等北美、欧洲地区各大媒体播出。
Just ahead of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, China Global Television Network (CGTN) and China International Television Corporation (CITVC) have co-produced the international cooperative convergence media program "One Dream".
It focuses on six young winter sports athletes from China and Canada, who meet virtually and talk about their shared, one dream. The documentary premiered on January 22, 2022, on CGTN's Big Story and the CGTN Documentary channel. It will also be shown by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and other major media platforms in North America and Europe during the 2022 Chinese Spring Festival.
《冰雪缘梦》系列节目由1集长纪录片和12集短视频产品构成,结合经典纪实表现手法、专项运动技巧科普以及小运动员们的新春祝愿短视频,打造一次丰富多彩的融媒体传播体验。为了获取最真实的训练素材、全方位展现不同文化背景下青少年风貌,向国际社会呈现体育竞技的魅力和时代精神,去年9月,中国和加拿大联合组建制作团队派出多个摄制组分赴中国北京、上海和加拿大多伦多、卡尔加里等地进行拍摄。历时4个多月,制作完成了这部以国际化视野展现年轻运动员们挥洒满腔热“雪”追梦的融媒体传播节目。Consisting of a 60-minute documentary and 12 short videos, the "One Dream" series highlights the young athletes' outstanding sporting skills as well as their wishes, as they look to the future.In September last year, the Chinese and Canadian co-production teams sent film crews to Beijing and Shanghai in China and Toronto and Calgary in Canada. They were charged with filming the young athletes in training and at home, with the aim of exploring the character of the youth from two quite different cultural backgrounds and revealing the spirit they share as aspiring athletes.《冰雪缘梦》以花样滑冰、短道速滑、冰球三种冰雪运动为载体,呈现了冰雪少年们的学习、生活、社交和运动训练的鲜活故事,深入他们的日常生活中,寻访了心怀冰雪运动梦想的六位中国、北美少年和他们的奋斗故事。全片通过独特视角的纪实体验,凝聚了多国创作人员的热情和感受,围绕冰雪主题,从人文交流、体育魅力、专项技巧、科技产品等多个展现维度上设计和展示,呈现了一次有态度、有温度的记录;以积极向上的态度,让大洋彼岸的中外运动员们在奥林匹克精神的引导下竞争、交流,共舞冰雪旋律。Covering the sports of figure skating, short track speed skating, and ice hockey, "One Dream" vividly describes how the six aspiring athletes from China and Canada train, socialize and study. Interviews with the teenagers themselves, their parents and their coaches delve into their daily lives and explore the struggles they face.Filmed from a unique global perspective, and directed and edited by a multinational team, the program is presented in multiple dimensions, ranging from highly personal human exchanges, to displays of elite sportsmanship. The theme throughout is the communication between the outstanding young Chinese and foreign athletes who, in describing their dreams to each other, reveal how the Olympic spirit guides them in their life and competition.北京冬奥会即将开幕,这场冰雪盛事背后,有无数少年们挥洒热爱、追逐梦想,并为此付出巨大努力。《冰雪缘梦》制作播出,是送给北京冬奥会的一份礼物,更是送给所有怀揣体育梦的少年的一份礼物,让我们为了圆梦而努力奋斗吧!The Beijing Winter Olympics is fast approaching. This spectacular occasion is encouraging countless young winter sports enthusiasts around the world to commit themselves to the pursuit of excellence, and to dream. "One Dream" is a contribution to the Beijing Winter Olympics and a gift to all teenagers with a sporting dream. Let's all act now to fulfill our dreams!
Convergence media production "One Dream"
January 22
Premieres on CGTN's Big Story and Documentary channel
CGTN客户端、官网、央视频账号、微博、腾讯、B站、西瓜视频、抖音、快手、脸书、 推特等新媒体平台同步上线
Broadcast simultaneously on the CGTN Website, CGTN App, Weibo, Tencent, Bilibili, Ixigua Video, Tiktok, Kwai Video, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms
Together, let's follow our dreams
and greet our shared future!