指点财津 | “反工作”成流行词,美国离职率高企
据美国主流媒体报道,大量员工辞职的原因是因为工作疲劳或倦怠。疫情的影响使得人们的工作变得更加困难,但工资待遇却没有改善。本期《指点财津》,CGTN的Aaron Liu 为你解读美国高辞职率背后所映射的普通美国人的生活困境。
Nearly 4.5 million Americans voluntarily left their jobs in November 2021, an all-time high. Low wages and price pressure have pushed up the cost of living for ordinary Americans, while working conditions remain unimproved during the pandemic. In this episode of BizBeat, CGTN's Aaron Liu points out the reasons behind the high quit rate.