就乌克兰局势,CGTN主持人田薇采访了联合国难民署媒体负责人马特(Matt SaltMarsh) 。马特指出,乌克兰近年来战乱不断,在这波危机前就已经有大约85万人在境内流离失所,如今更是雪上加霜。而各救援机构在本次冲突爆发前就已经开始在乌克兰周边进行援救物资的准备,比如餐食、医疗和暂时歇脚处。一旦局势允许,联合国难民署在乌克兰的近百个工作人员就会立即开始实地救援工作。
There were about 850,000 internally displaced people in Ukraine before the current conflict and their situation was already causing concern, Matt Saltmarsh, head of news and media for the UN refugee agency, said in a recent interview with CGTN's Tian Wei. At least 368,000 people have fled Ukraine, the agency said on Sunday, adding that the number will "continue to rise."