Six members of the surveying team climbing towards the Mount Qomolangma at the China-Nepal border, May 1, 2022. /CMG“巅峰使命2022——珠峰极高海拔地区综合科学考察研究”正在西藏珠峰地区开展。第二次青藏科考队联合西藏登山队实施此次科考。本次科考组织了5支科考分队的270余名科考队员参加,是第二次青藏科考自2017年启动以来参加科考队员最多、采用的仪器设备最先进的综合性科考。
5月2日19时,“巅峰使命”珠峰科考14名科考队员抵达海拔7028米的北坳营地,但有一名科考队员身体出现不适。5月3日9时,13名科考队员出发前往海拔8300米的突击营地,他们将在5月4日凌晨3时向世界之巅发起冲击。The Chinese expedition team of "The Earth Summit Mission 2022" will attempt to summit Mount Qomolangma on Wednesday. Carrying automatic weather stations and an array of radar equipment, 14 members of the Chinese expedition team set out at 2 p.m. on Monday. This is said to be the most important journey this team of professional mountaineers will ever make on the mission.On the same day at around 7 p.m., 14 team members successfully arrived at Beiao camp at an altitude of 7,028 meters. The weather was calm, but one of the members was suffering from altitude sickness.After a good night's rest, the remaining 13 team members left the mountain's North Col Camp at 9 a.m. on Tuesday for the final camp at 8,300 meters.
这是2017年青藏高原综合科学考察活动启动以来,珠峰科考学科覆盖面最广、参加科考队员最多、采用仪器设备最先进的综合性科考。珠峰科考将聚焦珠峰地区的环境变化,从大气、水、生态、地表过程等方面进行全方位的考察。科研人员将首次应用先进技术、方法和手段,围绕西风-季风协同作用、亚洲水塔变化、生态系统与生物多样性、人类活动等重大科学问题开展研究。此次珠峰科考的一个重要任务,是从海拔5200米到8800米搭建8个气象站,其中4个在海拔7000米以上。8800米的气象站一旦架设成功,将成为全球海拔最高的自动气象站。科考将为认识珠峰地区大气环境和冰冻圈变化获取宝贵数据,并为极端环境下的生态文明建设提供科技支撑,揭秘气候变暖背景下珠峰极高海拔区环境变化规律,提出珠峰自然保护创新科学方案。A member of the surveying team is seen in front of the North Col Camp of Mount Qomolangma at the China-Nepal border, April 28, 2022. /CMGUpon arriving at the summit, the mountaineers will set up the world's highest-altitude automatic weather station, which will stand at 8800 meters above sea level. The weather station will help obtain data on the surrounding area, helping scientists better understand the world's third pole.
2021年9月26日,西藏阿里,珠峰日落。/ CFP当地时间2021年5月7日,尼泊尔,登山者正在攀登珠穆朗玛峰。/ CFP当地时间2019年5月22日,尼泊尔,珠穆朗玛峰迎来数百名希望爬上珠峰顶部的登山者。由于人数太多,通往山顶的路段出现拥堵及排队现象。/ CFP
2017年6月25日,西藏,珠峰大本营,日出风光。/ CFP2016年09月12日,西藏自治区日喀则地区,珠穆朗玛峰星空。/ CFP