

CGTN CGTN 2022-06-10

“There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print.We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance.”

These words are commonly attributed to the New York Times’ former managing editor John Swinton in the 19th century. A scathing self-reflection of journalism for someone who held such an important position.
Is the situation any different today in the Western mainstream media? They assure people they can be trusted, but is that the truth, especially when it comes to reporting on China?
Having followed countless stories on this topic, I have discerned at least seven widespread ills that plague today’s international media. I can borrow from the religious terminology “the Seven Deadly Sins,” namely: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.
关注大量涉华报道后,我发现了西方主流媒体有七大问题,在这里 ,我借用一下宗教术语“七宗罪”,即傲慢、贪婪、欲望、嫉妒、暴食、愤怒和懒惰。
What do I mean? Let me explain one at a time. And I’ll do that in reverse order to peel from the more superficial vices to the core of the problem.
Let's start with Deadly Sin No. 7: Sloth. When it comes to China, it's somehow the norm for professional scrutiny to lose its vigor. 
首先是第七宗罪:懒惰。不知为何,报道一涉及中国 (部分西方主流媒体)在专业审查上就疲软了。
A U.S. news channel recently aired a photo as evidence that the Chinese delegation did not stand up and applaud after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke during a World Economic Forum meeting held in Davos, Switzerland. 
The claim and the photo were provided by a U.S. Congressman who was being interviewed at Davos, to single out China for not sharing the West's stance on the issue. He even claimed, without being challenged, that the Chinese had blood on their hands.
这张照片和这一说辞来自一位美国国会议员,他在达沃斯接受采访专门指出,只有中国在乌克兰问题上不认同西方的立场。这位议员甚至声称 中国人的手上“沾了鲜血”,而主持人没有对他提出质疑。
However, it turned out the photo had no Chinese people in it. Instead, it showed Vietnamese delegates, including a Deputy Prime Minister. Clearly, it was a blunder, and the TV channel just accepted the Congressman's words about the photo, no questions asked.
Danny Haiphong: I think when it comes to China reporting, there just isn't follow up. There isn't real investigation. A lot of it is just based on misconceptions and preconceived notions of China and its society, its economy. It isn't based on real work."
In a statement upon the request of a Chinese media, the channel said they regret the error and have reached out to the Congressman's office for a statement. How about doing that before the damage was done? 
By the way, I have yet to see any public apologies or corrections made on the matter by the channel or the politician.
This was not the first time such a blunder was committed.
When 39 victims died during a human-trafficking case in Essex, the UK in October 2019, some UK media speculated they were escaping the "Chinese regime" even before the victims' identities were confirmed. 
“…that everyone inside this trailer was a Chinese national”
“Just let's say they are Chinese nationals, just let's say they come from a regime perhaps…”
Days later, it turned out they were all from another Asian country.
Einar Tangen: They are stuck in stereotypes. They're still thinking that, you know, Chinese people are so poor that they're immigrating anywhere. That was true a long time ago. It's no longer true.
Danny Haiphong: It's assumed that if there is displacement, if there is poverty, if there is migration, then it must be, sort of harkening back to the error of Yellow Peril of the 19th century that it must be Chinese.

视点 | 贼喊捉贼,破坏香港民主的到底是谁?

