相比遇袭身亡的人,对于#美军无人机袭击中幸存下来的平民,生活并没有能恢复到昔日的平静。27岁的穆罕默德·纳西姆 (Mohammad Naseem)是一位居住在阿富汗瓦达克省的乡村教师。当他与自己的表亲在自家的农田干活时,不幸从天而降,无人机的袭击致使他的表亲当场身亡,自己也失去了左腿。身体中仍然留存的弹片使他终日疼痛不止,但因为没钱就医,以及阿富汗缺乏医疗条件,穆罕默德·纳西姆无法进行必要的手术治疗。
"When the Americans came to our country, they claimed they were humanitarians, but most of the time, they did the opposite."
For civilians who survived U.S. drone strikes, life would never be the same again.
Mohammad Naseem is a 27-year-old rural teacher living in Afghanistan's Wardak Province.
He and his cousin were hit by a drone while working on their farm. The attack killed his cousin, while his left leg was blown off by the bombing.
There is still shrapnel lodged in his body, which pains him incessantly. However, due to a lack of money, and poor access to medical treatment, Mohammad Naseem has not been able to receive the operations he needs.