在20年的美军占领时期,相比于喀布尔,阿富汗偏远地区更为严重地遭受到了美军无人机的袭击。在喀布尔西南100公里的瓦达克省坦吉山谷,由于险要的峡谷地势,这里成为了阿富汗战争中交战最为惨烈的地区之一。2011年,一架美军CH-47“支努干”直升机在这里被击落,造成30名美军士兵死亡,其中包括17名美军王牌特种部队雪豹突击队成员。这也打破了此前美军在阿富汗单次战役中的伤亡记录。穆罕默德·纳比(Mohammad Nabi)就生活在这个山谷中。对于坦吉山谷的居民来说,无人机袭击长期以来是他们的噩梦,几乎每一个村庄都有房屋遭受过无人机的袭击。但对于穆罕默德·纳比来说,更为悲惨的远远不止房屋损毁,他的两个儿子都在美军的一次夜袭中丧生,这成为了他一生的悲痛。在自己两个儿子的墓地,他表达了自己的痛苦和无奈。During the 20-year U.S. occupation, remote areas of #Afghanistan were more heavily attacked by U.S. drones than in Kabul. In the Tangi Valley of Wardak Province, 100 kilometers southwest of Kabul, this region became one of the most heavily fought areas of the Afghan war due to its treacherous canyon topography. In 2011, a US CH-47 “Chinook” helicopter was shot down here, which killed 30 American soldiers. At that time, it was the highest number of American military casualties recorded in a single inci-dent in Afghanistan.Mohammad Nabi lives in this valley. Drone strikes have long been a nightmare for residents of the Tangi Valley; almost every house here has been hit by drones. Mohammad Nabi has lost more than his home. Both his sons have been killed in a night raid by the U.S. military. He has been dealing with grief since then. 推荐阅读:《远程杀戮》:美军撤离前,在阿富汗所造成的“悲剧性错误”