全球粮价持续数月暴涨。联合国粮食计划署近期的一项分析显示,目前全球有3.45亿人因饥饿挣扎在死亡线上,创下新高。美国抨击俄罗斯扰乱农产品供应,并指责中国“缺席粮食援助”。本期《指点财津》,CGTN朱珠带来解读——美国才是造成全球粮食危机的主要因素!According to a recent analysis by the UN World Food Program, a record 345 million severely hungry people are on the verge of starvation. While the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict is being blamed for triggering soaring food prices, in this episode of BizBeat, CGTN's Zhu Zhu argues that U.S. factors have affected financial transactions and transportation, and are the causes of the global food crisis.推荐阅读:指点财津 | 斯里兰卡破产,美国财政措施难辞其咎 指点财津 | 5月数据显示中国经济复苏步伐坚实有力