法籍轨道交通工程师罗马(Romain Sevestre)在中国已经工作和生活了16年,并参与了芜湖单轨列车的建设。每周罗马都会乘坐自己参与建设的单轨列车上下班,看到窗外快速闪过的景象,也仿佛看到中国这些年的变化。在下班后和周末,他也会与同事、朋友小聚,中国的生活让他感到放松。他还在中国参加了铁人三项、马拉松等比赛,交到朋友的同时,也越来越喜欢这个国家。 French rail transit engineer Romain Sevestre has been in China for 16 years. Every week, he takes the monorail train, which he helped build, to shuttle between his home in Nanjing City of Jiangsu Province and his workplace in Wuhu City of Anhui Province. He is often reminded of how rapidly China has changed in recent years by the flashing scenery outside the train window. Besides weekly commuting, Romain also takes high-speed trains when traveling to other cities to participate in his favorite marathon or triathlon sports. Hanging out with his Chinese colleagues after work also helps him relax. He has become more fond of this country as he makes more Chinese friends here. 推荐阅读: