过去十年,我国对外开放水平达到前所未有的高度,对外贸易总额稳步增长,外商投资企业数量迅速增加。通过不断优化稳外贸措施,中国将持续成为全球经济增长引擎,全球货物贸易第一大国的地位更加巩固。本期《指点财津》,CGTN Aaron Liu 为你解读!Despite a slowing global economy and declining growth rates, China remains a global leader in trade. China's total foreign trade has grown steadily over the past decade, with the number of foreign-invested enterprises increasing rapidly and its international competitiveness improving significantly. Meanwhile, the continuous optimization of policies has also helped China reach an unprecedented level of openness to the outside world. In this episode of BizBeat, CGTN's Aaron Liu explains.指点财津 | 北溪泄漏迷雾重重,能源危机雪上加霜
指点财津 | 共享RCEP机遇,中国-东盟博览会成果丰硕