Editor's note: Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights on events shaping today's world. Erik Solheim is former executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily those of CGTN. 编者按:决策者是一个全球平台,供决策者分享他们对影响当今世界之事件的见解。埃里克·索尔海姆是联合国环境规划署的前执行主任。文章仅代表作者的观点,而非本台观点。 In order to succeed, environmentalists must establish a people's movement for Mother Earth. One inspiration is the slogan of a "beautiful China."环保主义者必须号召全人类行动起来,共同呵护好地球母亲。全民共建“美丽中国”就可以视为激励他们的一个口号。When the green community of the world comes together these days in the wonderful city of Montreal, Canada, it will point to a planet in trouble. We have wiped out many important ecosystems over the last decades, incredible species are threatened with extinction and many habitats are in jeopardy. There will be no lack of dire warnings from scientists and activists.近日,《生物多样性公约》缔约方大会第十五次会议在加拿大蒙特利尔这座美丽的城市召开,世界各地的环保人士齐聚于此、共商大计,然而此刻我们的星球却陷入困顿。几十年来,人类活动导致许多重要的生态系统不复存在,大量物种濒临灭绝,众多栖息地危在旦夕。会上将不乏来自科学家和活动家的逆耳忠言。Hopefully, the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) will deliver positive results. We may see increased targets for conservation of nature and policies to provide a better balance between humans and nature.我希望这次会议能够产出积极成果。我们或将看到更多的自然保护目标和政策陆续出台,以实现人与自然的和谐共处。But in order to put the planet back in good health something more is required: A global people's movement for Mother Earth. Unless we mobilize the love for and spiritual dedication to the beauty of nature, we will never be strong enough.但要想帮助地球母亲恢复健康,人类还要付出更大努力,比如号召全民共建美好地球。若是人类想变得足够强大,就必须激发自身对自然之美的热爱,全身心投入于自然保护。Government action is indeed needed. But governments will only act if people support and push them. The role of business is also critical. Fortunately, there is some good news to build upon from 2022.诚然,政府行动不可或缺,但政府行动离不开人民的支持和鞭策。企业亦能发挥关键作用。值得庆幸的是,2022年我们已经小有进步,可在此基础上再接再厉。 Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was elected president of Brazil and Gustavo Petro of Colombia. The new leaders of the two Latin American rainforest nations ran on programs to stop deforestation and used election campaigns to mobilize their people for the amazing ecosystems. Lula's most specific promise in his acceptance speech was to protect the Amazon and create livelihoods for the people. Petro's running mate Francia Marquez became the first Black Colombian to ascend to the vice presidency, representing indigenous peoples. Marquez has the strongest possible track record from the people's movement for nature.路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦当选为巴西总统,古斯塔沃·佩特罗当选为哥伦比亚总统。竞选期间,这两位拉美雨林国家的新领导人曾承诺阻止森林砍伐,通过选举活动来动员人民更好地保护大美生态系统。卢拉在就职演说中明确承诺,要努力保护亚马孙雨林,同时为人民群众谋生计。佩特罗的竞选搭档弗朗西亚·马尔克斯成为首个担任副总统职务的非裔哥伦比亚人,成为原住民的代表。此外,马尔克斯还一直是“全民共建美好自然”理念的忠实践行者。The small nation of Guyana is another American front-runner. Ten years ago, I cooperated with the then Guyanese President Bharrat Jagdeo to set up funds to finance green developments while keeping the amazing forests of Guyana intact. Based on that work this month Guyana signed an agreement with the energy company Hess to bring $750 million in carbon credits for conservation. The most intact rainforest in the world will remain untouched. Bravo!圭亚那面积虽小,却是拉美环保运动的另一个排头兵。十年前,我与时任圭亚那的总统巴拉特·贾格迪奥合作设立基金,为绿色发展提供资金,力保圭亚那的大片原始森林完好无损。在这项工作的基础上,本月圭亚那政府与能源公司赫斯签署了一项协议,后者将从圭亚那购买价值7.5亿美元的碳信用额度,相关资金将用于当地生态环境保护。世界上最完好的热带雨林将继续不受外界影响。干得漂亮!Another rainforest nation, Indonesia, has also been successful recently, mobilizing a mix of good government policies, people's action and the force of business. Results? There was zero deforestation last year. Big business in Indonesia acts as responsible global citizens. RGE, the huge paper and palm oil company, has zero deforestation in its value chains. It even protects the huge rainforest on the island of Sumatra.另一个雨林国家印度尼西亚近期也颇有成就,该国将良好的政策、全民行动和企业力量有效地结合起来。那么结果如何呢?去年印尼实现零森林砍伐。印尼的大企业展现出了作为负责任的全球公民该有的担当。作为一家大型造纸和棕榈油生产公司,新加坡金鹰集团实现了全价值链零森林砍伐。这家公司甚至负责保护苏门答腊岛上的大片雨林。All too often environmentalists have erred on the negative side, describing problems rather than solutions. The pitch for people's attention is failing to mobilize ordinary people. Presentations are complicated with heavy substance and boring power points, lower on emotions or fun or amazement. The main nature document of the last 10 years is named to become anonymous, called "Aichi Biodiversity Targets," which is named after a province few outside Japan have ever heard of. "What is biodiversity," my good friend former Prime Minister of France Laurent Fabius once remarked sarcastically. "Is it a dangerous disease? Let's rather speak about nature."环保主义者常常被消极情绪所蒙蔽,一味地描述问题,却无法给出解决方案。他们只顾吸引群众的注意力,却未能调动群众的积极性。他们的演讲复杂冗长,大量堆砌干巴巴的信息,展示无聊的幻灯片,缺乏情感共鸣、乐趣和惊喜。过去十年里,主要自然保护文件的命名方式导致其很难让人记住,比如“爱知生物多样性目标”,这份文件以日本一个县命名,日本以外很少有人听说过这个地方。我的好朋友法国前总理洛朗·法比尤斯曾略带讽刺地说:“什么是生物多样性?它是一种危险的疾病吗?不妨说得通俗点,其实就是大自然。”The slogan of "beautiful China" shows how environmentalist can take the offensive. I love this slogan. It's positive, appealing to our hopes and aspirations. It plays on our love for nature, for the village where you were born, for the forest outside your city or for the mountains where you go on holiday. Additionally, it is patriotic, tapping into our desire to defend the homeland. Beautiful China translates well into beautiful India, beautiful America or beautiful France.中国提出建设“美丽中国”,我认为这一概念表明环保主义者能够发挥主观能动性,积极采取行动。我个人挺喜欢这个概念,因为它充满正能量,能够很好地承载人们的希望和愿望。这个概念唤起人们对大自然的热爱,对故乡的思念,对郊野森林的向往,或对度假地山川的期盼。不仅如此,这个概念还能激发人们的爱国主义热情,强化民众保家卫国的决心。中国可以有“美丽中国”建设,其他国家也能有“美丽印度”、“美丽美国”或“美丽法国”建设。The idea of mobilizing for a beautiful China has showed results. China is the biggest tree planter in the world. American space agency NASA confirmed that tree planting in China is the biggest force greening Mother Earth. Chinese President Xi Jinping has promised that China will do tree planting in an area the size of Belgium every year from now to 2030. Kubuqi desert in Inner Mongolia and Saihanba in Hebei province are two examples of greening Chinese landscapes.中国政府动员全民共建美丽中国,如今已初现成效。中国是世界上植树造林面积最大的国家。美国宇航局证实,中国的植树造林活动极大提升了地球的绿化率。中国国家主席习近平承诺,从现在起到2030年,中国每年新增的造林面积将超过比利时的国土面积。内蒙古的库布其沙漠和河北省的塞罕坝是中国绘就绿色画卷的两个典范。A greener China helps animals thrive. Snow leopards are brought back from the brink of extinction in western China and Central Asia. The giant panda is no longer on the list of threatened animals, because their habitats are better protected in Sichuan and beyond. The fishing ban in the Yangtze River and upper Yellow River will bring short-term pain, but long-term gain. Based on our similar experience with temporarily banning fishing of cod and herring in Norway, the fish will come back in abundance when we humans change our behavior.随着中国持续推进绿色发展,动物种群不断恢复。在中国西部和中亚,雪豹已不再濒临灭绝。大熊猫也被移出濒危动物名录,因为它们在四川和其他地区的栖息地得到了更好的保护。长江和黄河上游的禁渔令将带来短期阵痛,但功在千秋。我们曾在挪威也实施过针对鳕鱼和鲱鱼的禁渔令,一旦人类改变自身行为,鱼群数量便会再度大幅增长。One of the most illustrious effects of COVID-19 was that people all over the world experienced nature closer to heart and home. When pollution stopped, citizens of north India could watch the amazing Himalaya mountains for the first time in decades. In American national parks the wards spoke of an animal outcoming party. Deer ventured back in Japanese cities, bears and beavers in Europe and penguins walked the streets of Cape Town.新冠肺炎疫情的积极影响在于,世界各地的人们能在家园附近体验到心灵向往的大自然。当污染停止,印度北方居民几十年来头一回看到雄伟的喜马拉雅山脉。在美国国家公园里,管理员说动物成群结队地在园内撒欢。鹿儿在日本城市出没,熊和海狸也出现在欧洲城镇,企鹅在开普敦的街道上行走。If we mobilize a global people's movement for Mother Earth, we will take nature back. Future generations will enjoy a harmonious coexistence of people and nature.如果我们能发动全民共建美好地球,那么我们将还大自然以本来面貌,子孙后代才会体会到人与自然的和谐共处。推荐阅读:决策者丨携手构建面向新时代的中阿命运共同体 决策者 | 中牙建交50周年:特殊的友谊纽带