十二生肖, 又叫十二属相,由11种源于自然界的动物和传说中的龙组成,分别是:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。它们每隔十二年一轮回,2023年轮到了生肖兔。In the Chinese zodiac scheme, or shengxiao, each year is represented by an animal in a 12-year rotating cycle. The 12 animals, in order, are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Going by this scheme, the Chinese New Year celebrations this year will ring in the Year of the Rabbit, representing the fourth animal in the zodiac cycle. And people born in this year are referred to as the "rabbit people". 为什么会有这样的生肖顺序呢?不同的生肖是否会有不同的性格属性?But why are the animals arranged in this order? And does it give any insights into the personality traits of people bearing these animal signs?原来啊, 中国古代把全天分为12个时辰,每时辰相当于现在两小时。12生肖就对应着12个时辰。生肖的选用和排列,和这些动物的习性有关。 The answers lie in the understanding of shengxiao, which also assigns these 12 animals to 24 hours in a day, divided in two-hour periods. The way they are arranged in a day is the order in which they appear in the 12-year cycle. The 24-hour arrangement is made based on the natural routine and habits of animals, but with a twist of folklore. Have a look at this illustration to know which animal represents which time of the day and why. 在中国民间,每一种生肖还有相应的阐释系统,比如性格分析、婚配属相等等。就拿属兔人来说,兔属相喜爱舒适的生活,纷扰动荡会让它落荒而逃。因此在平和的环境之下越能发挥其优雅的气质以及亲切和蔼的性格。Chinese folk tales also offer insights on the personality traits of people born in a certain year. For example, people with Chinese Zodiac Rabbit are elegant and affable in personality, and they love a comfortable environment, but a bit of turbulence can make them fussy.作为悠久的民俗文化符号,中国历史上还留下了大量关于生肖的诗歌、春联、艺术作品等,以此来表达中国人民对新年的祝福和祈盼。As an important part of folklore, shengxiao appears in many poems, Spring Festival couplets and a range of art forms as a representation of the aspirations and hopes of the Chinese people.推荐阅读:过年啦!生肖福娃兔圆圆用各地方言拜年