

CGTN CGTN 2023-04-18

2月21日,中国发布《全球安全倡议概念文件》,呼吁通过谈判对话等和平方式为乌克兰局势降温。而此时的美国动作不断——拜登突访乌克兰、宣布增加价值5亿美元军援、向欧洲盟友持续施压。在接受刘欣采访时,席勒研究所战略分析师侯赛因·阿斯卡里(Hussein Askary)用“猴子陷阱”这个精妙比喻点破了俄乌冲突中的地缘政治算计。是谁设下“猴子陷阱”把欧洲国家耍得团团转?俄乌冲突能否迎来关键转折?一起来听!

Is Europe now a monkey in the trap? "China's proposals for peace will help the Europeans to understand that they are in a real trap, and it's best for them to drop that banana," says Hussein Askary from Schiller Institute. "Nobody can win the Ukraine crisis."

Hussein Askary: And that fortunately, we have now, voices of reason. It was very important that the Chinese State Councilor Wang Yi was in the Munich Security Conference as the only person who presented any discussion about peace because that term is disappearing very quickly from the general discussion.

I think this is very, very important that we focus and mobilize for a peaceful outcome of this, because nobody can win this war. It will only lead to further escalation.


What I think is that Europe now is in a monkey trap, this trap set for monkeys, where you put a banana inside the cage. And there is a little hole which the monkey can reach the banana but cannot pull out both the hand and the banana from the cage. And that keeps them in a trap.


And I hope that China's proposal for peace will help the Europeans to understand that they are in a real trap. It's best that they drop, that banana, which is a "victory" in Ukraine and won for freedom.


指点财津 | 通胀与能源危机造成欧洲多国面临经济衰退
视点 | 起底佩洛西

