来自130个国家和地区的17000名代表参加了圣彼得堡国际经济论坛,使其成为全球最大的商业盛会之一。与会代表遵循自己的议程,表明世界不再是西方的世界。一个多极化的世界正在孕育中。本期指点财津,郑峻峰在圣彼得堡现场为您解读!Around 17,000 delegates from 130 countries and regions are attending the St. Petersburg Forum, making it one of the world's largest business events. Many of these countries and regions follow their own agenda, and no longer the agenda of the West, indicating that a multipolar world is taking shape. In this episode of BizBeat, CGTN's Zheng Junfeng explains from St. Petersburg!推荐阅读:指点财津 | 美国鼓吹“去风险”意在遏制中国经济增长指点财津 | 美国两党谈判无解,债务违约火烧眉毛 指点财津 | 美国消费者仍然在承受高通胀带来的压力