2023年天津夏季达沃斯论坛(第十四届新领军者年会)于6月27日至29日在天津举办。这是新冠疫情三年后夏季达沃斯论坛首次重启线下会谈。本届论坛主题为“企业家精神:世界经济驱动力”。李强总理今天出席了论坛开幕式并发表主旨演讲。Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Tuesday stressed solidarity and cooperation when addressing the opening of the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos, in North China's Tianjin municipality.世界经济论坛总裁博尔格·布伦德在接受CGTN主持人田薇专访时点赞中国经济发展成果,并表示看好其发展潜力。在全球化供应链的问题上,他认为所谓“去风险”或“脱钩断链”等提法是毫无现实意义的。CGTN's Tian Wei has an exclusive interview with World Economic Forum President Børge Brende. He says the Chinese economy still has huge potential. And he points out that the whole notion of de-coupling doesn’t make sense.博尔格·布伦德:中国经济有巨大潜力
继联合国、国际货币基金组织(IMF)之后,世界银行和经济与合作发展组织(OECD)也上调了中国经济增长预期。中国经济正赢得更多“信任票”。博尔格·布伦德表示,今年全球经济增速预期为2.8%,而中国的经济增速预期几乎可达全球的两倍。他称赞中国在可再生能源领域的发展已经走在了世界前列。同时他强调,如果想要提升在价值链中的位置,中国必须继续进行经济改革。The World Economic Forum president says the Chinese economy still has huge potential. The global economy is growing 2.8% this year, and China's growth is almost double that. He also notes that China is a market leader in renewable energy, high-speed rail and electric vehicles. China has to continue the economic reforms to move up the industrial value chain.博尔格·布伦德:“脱钩”这一提法不具备现实意义
国务院总理李强在访问欧洲期间,针对“脱钩”等论断,他表示在经济全球化的时代,相互依赖是必然的,国家之间搞对抗、不合作,世界动荡不安、经济发展停滞,才是当今世界面临的最大风险。博尔格·布伦德认为所谓“脱钩”等提法都不具备现实意义。如果各国停止相互贸易,转向所谓的“友岸外包”,这将对所有利益攸关方产生极大的经济冲击。他以中美贸易为例说明政治言论与经济现实之间的差距:中国和美国之间的贸易去年实际增长了1.2%,但由于某些政客和媒体的误导,有人会以为两国之间的贸易和投资已经减少了。World Economic Forum President Børge Brende highlights that the whole notion of "de-coupling" does not make sense, because when countries stop trading with each other, they will go into a situation with "friendshoring" that will have a huge economic impact for all stakeholders. He also uses China-U.S. trade as an example to illustrate the gap between political rhetoric and reality. The trade between China and the U.S. increased by 1.2% last year, but people may be convinced by some media outlets that trade and investment between the two countries has dropped.推荐阅读:CGTN专访世界经济论坛大中华区主席陈黎明:对话与合作才是发展之道 CGTN独家专访天舟货运飞船总设计师白明生 “我要让世界再次见证中国力量” ——CGTN专访在伦敦备战的中国拳手张志磊