
求实论事 | “去美元化”浪潮兴起 人民币能否成为全球主要货币?

CGTN 2023-10-29

近年来,随着美元自身问题频发,全球性的“去美元化”浪潮已然兴起。人民币是否有机会成为主要国际货币?对此, 金砖国家新开发银行副行长兼首席财务官马磊立告诉《舆论纵贯线》栏目主持人王冠,作为贸易货币和结算货币,人民币在过去十几年里影响力逐渐上升。目前已有多国央行开始将外汇储备兑换为人民币,也有多国在贸易中与中国进行本地货币结算,人民币的潜在影响力不可小觑,未来的人民币将越来越国际化。

As the Chinese yuan (RMB) becomes a currency of choice for trade among BRICS countries, the notion of "de-dollarization" once again makes the headlines before the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg in three weeks' time. Leslie Maasdorp, VP & CFO of the New Development Bank, tells CGTN's Wang Guan that even though the RMB as a reserve currency constitutes only a small portion of the global currency reserves, its use as a currency of trade and settlement has increased over the past decade. More central banks have included the RMB in their foreign reserves, while more countries are settling trade with China in local currency. China remains committed to the internationalization of the RMB, he adds.

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